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Inventory Label Maintenance Screen

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Text in Screen Example

  • O is the Label Origin (0,0) Upper Left Corner as they come out of the printer

  • LS,X,Y = Label Size X and Y are size in Inches

  • RO,X = Rotate R = Rotate so label prints parallel to label roll, N = Normal Label prints across roll

  • BX,X,Y,H,W,L = Box X,Y are start point in Inches, H,W are Height and Width in Inches, L is line size in dots

  • TX,X,Y,F,D,R = Text X,Y are start point in Inches, F is Font size, D is String to Print, R = Reverse Print (Must draw solid box first)

  • DA,X,Y,F,D1,D2,D3,D4,D5 = Text X,Y are start point in Inches, F is Font size, D1-5 is Data or strings, they are combined together

  • Size
    • LS,4,2
  • Rotate
    • RO,N
  • Draw box
    • BX,.2,.2,3.5,1.10,3
  • Desc line
    • DA,.3,.3,35,"LEFT(ZITEMMASTER.DESCRIP,45)"
    • DA,.3,.6,35,"SUBSTR(ZITEMMASTER.DESCRIP,46,45)"
  • Line under desc
    • BX,.2,.8,3.5,.01,3
  • Line under serial
    • BX,.2,1.3,3.5,.01,3
  • Barcode
    • BC,.1,1.4,128,N,,"alltrim(zitemmaster.item)"

Barcode Example - Click for full size

Barcode Example - Click for full size

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