General Information
Default Menu Location Transaction >> Accounts Receivable >> AR Invoice Master
Screen Name INVMAST
Function This screen is used to view a customer invoice. You can also edit Header information, credit unpaid invoices, issue tax credits, issue refunds, pay by credit card, and print the invoice.
Enter the invoice number and click Edit button to change a field on the header.
STEP 1: Open the
Edit Invoice Header screenSTEP 2: Select the invoice you are issuing a sales tax credit/debit for. The invoice amount, sales tax amount, and balance are displayed.
STEP 3: Click
TxCrSTEP 4: Click
YesSTEP 5: Enter the amount of the sales tax credit. It will default to the total amount of sales tax on the invoice.
If you are issuing a
charge for sales tax, use a negative sign before the amount you are entering.
STEP 6: Enter the
Credit Date (invoice date for the credit memo)
STEP 7: Select the
Tax Table to use when issuing the credit.
STEP 8: Click
Create CreditSTEP 9: Enter the number shown on the screen above. You can print the sales tax credit/debit by clicking