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General Information

Notes is an easy way to keep track of communication among contacts and a reminder for actions to do.

Screenshot of Notes Master Screen

Screenshot of Notes Master Screen

You can access the Notes Master Screen by clicking either notes button. One is on the top center of the screen and the other is in the top right corner of the screen.

This is located in the top right corner of the screen.

This is located in the top right corner of the screen.

This is located in the top center of the screen.

This is located in the top center of the screen.

You will only access notes that you are the note owner of from those two buttons. When you access the notes screen from the organization screen, you will be able to see all notes made for that organization including notes that you are not note owner of.

Note Details

Below the list of notes. There is the notes details. Select a note from the list of notes and the details of the notes will appear.

Note Details

Note Details

Org Name: Organization Name

Subject: Subject of communication/to do/email

Contact: Contact at the organization

Type: This is a drop down where you will choose what type of communication it is or if it is an action. You can add more types through rule maintenance.

Status: This determines whether the note is open or closed.

Date: Date of the note made.

Follow Up Date: If you need to follow up on a note, you can set a follow up and time or click to follow up "tomorrow", "next week", "next month", "next 2 months", "next 6 months", or "next year" along with option to skip over a weekend date.

Owner: Note Owner

Type: Priority of the note


This is where the message of an email appears if you CC'd the email to the Notes email address that can be set up within Adjutant. It is also where you can put any notes needed and/or for detail of action/communication.

Notes Message

Notes Message


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