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General Description

Default Menu Location: Reports >> Accounts Receivable >> Invoice Register Report


Function: The Invoice Register Report is used to give a list of Invoices in the system. The report also gives the invoice date, Net Amount, Freight, Sales Tax, Invoice Total, and Balance. The report can be filtered on many various fields such as customer, date, territory, status, order type, salesperson, and account manager.


Report Filters

Customer ID: The Company ID in the field

Company: (field is blank) The Company name (long name) to report on

Start Date: The start date for the report

End Date: The end date for the report

Terr: The territory which the invoice was generated from (sales)

Invoice Status: The invoice status the report will be filtered on

Order Type: The type of order the invoice was generated from

Sales Person: The salesperson associated with the invoice

Account Manager: The Account Manager associated with the invoice

Sort By: Select one of the options, Invoice#,ORG ID, CustName, Task#, Salespe for the report.

Summary or Detail: Choose one of the options for the report type

User may click the "Show GL Dist" box in order to show how the invoice effects the GL

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