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General Information

Screen Name: CONNINFO

Function: This screen displays all connection, payment, and inspection information for each address. The information is derived from the Tapping Setup screen and the information that is entered when the service orders are updated/completed.This is an attribute screen located in the Organization attributes. The attribute's code is CONNECTION.

Master Tab

Subdivision: The subdivision selected based on what district/city the address is located in. This information will be populated through the Tapping Setup screen.

Section/Block/Lot/Tract: The legal description of the address location. This information will be populated through the Tapping Setup screen.

Builder: The builder paying for the tapping and inspection fees. This information will be populated through the Tapping Setup screen.

Tap Size: The meter/tap size at the connection. This information will be populated through the Tapping Setup screen.

AVR#: The AVR account number for the connection.

Meter#: The meter serial number at the connection. This information will be populated when the tap work order is completed. Any meter replacement work orders will also update this field. The field under this is for a second serial number.

Install Date: The date the tap was completed and the meter was installed. This information will be populated when the tap work order is completed. Tap work orders are designated by the Tap Complete Trouble Codes rule.

Voucher #: The payment voucher number. This information will be populated through the Tapping Setup screen. Type this number in the Print Payment Receipts screen to view/print the payment voucher.

Check #: The check number from the builder. This information will be populated through the Tapping Setup screen.

Fee: The total fee paid by the builder. This information will be populated through the Tapping Setup screen.

Date Paid: The date the fee was paid. This information will be populated through the Tapping Setup screen.

Swr Date Pass: The date the sewer inspection was completed and passed. Sewer inspections are designated by the Sewer Inspection Complete Codes rule

CSI Date Pass: The date the customer service inspection was completed and passed. CSIs are designated by the CSI Complete Codes rule

UB Comp Date: The date the connection was marked as ready for utility billing. This will be automatically populated when both the CSI and Sewer Inspections are completed and passed.

Health Hazard: The Health Hazard checkbox can be manually toggled. It will automatically get checked if an inspection task is answered with a "Hazardous" inspection status.

Reset: This button will reset the payment status to allow an additional tap to be paid for. All historical payments made will continue to show up on the Tap Journal report.


Meter History Tab

Current Read: The most recent read entered (either from Add, Read, or Remove entries)

Previous Read: The second most recent read entered (either from Add, Read, or Remove entries)

Previous Meter: The serial number from the most recent "Remove" record.

Previous Meter Last Read: The read entered from the most recent "Remove" record.


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