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This search, performed through 3.70 MB (953 documents, 9289 words), completed in 0.0 seconds and yielded 30 results.

Trial Balance — 9.4%

General Information Default Menu Location : Reports >> General Ledger >> Trial Balance Screen Name : GLTBAL Function: Print the trial balance for a given fiscal [...]

Bank Reconciliation — 6.1%

[...] Reconciliation screen provides an interface to reconcile Adjutant AP and AR transactions to your bank's current balance. The Bank Rec screen may also be used to enter Manual Cash Adjustments. Filters The Filter tab of the Bank Rec screen controls what is displayed on the Checks/Deposits/Adjustments tab. The user may select a Checking Account, Date Range, and Status. Leaving the Date Range blank will return all records for the selected checking account and status. The Group By Deposit Code/Date option is checked by default. Unchecking this option will display a Cash [...]

Chart of Accounts — 5.0%

[...] typically arranged in the order of the customary appearance of accounts in the financial statements, balance sheet accounts followed by profit and loss accounts. Nomenclature, classification and codification Each account in the chart of accounts is typically assigned a name and a unique number by which it can be identified. (Software for some small businesses may not require account numbers.) Account numbers are often five or more digits in length with each digit representing a division of the company, the department, the type of account, etc. As you will see, the first [...]

Recurring Journal Entries — 4.4%

[...] are fixed dollar entries, just like a manual journal entry. Distribution entries allow you allocate a balance from one account to several other accounts based on percentages or statistical values. The statistic can be manually entered or looked up from the GL Account Balance. Recurrence - Choose how often the entry should be generated. Sequence - If one journal entry needs to be created before another, then use the sequence number to specify the order in which the batches should be created. Reverse - Check the box to reverse the entry in [...]

Asset Importer — 4.4%

[...] Valid entries are 'SL', 'DB200', 'DB150', 'SY', and 'CDB'. SL = Straight LIne. DB200 = Double Declining Balance 2X. DB150 = Double Declining Balance 1.5X. SY = Sum of Years Digits. FedConv - Federal Depreciation Table Convention. Valid entries are 'Half-Year', 'Quarter', 'Mid Month', and 'Full Month'. STLife - State Depreciation Life/Period in years STCost - State Asset Cost in dollars, two decimals allowed STSalvage - State Salvage value in dollars, two decimals allowed STMeth - State Depreciation Method code. Valid entries are 'SL', 'DB200', [...]

CID Setup Options — 3.9%

[...] single vendor. APOVERAPR - Allows the AP Approved to Pay amount to be set higher than the AP Invoice balance. APPAPPR - Sends email to all people with pending approvals. Runs every 30 mins, 6am to 7pm M-F. APPRAPREMITTO - Generates separate approvals for both the Sold From and Remit To organization on AP invoices - provided the organizations have separate approvals set up. APPREMAILDEL - Controls sending of emails through the approval screen. Enable to be able to decline in approval screen. APPREMAILOK - Controls sending of emails through the approval screen. Enable [...]

Generate Finance Charges — 3.3%

[...] is calculated on a daily basis according to the annual rate (converted to daily rate) and the daily balance of each invoice. To calculate the daily interest rate (R), the program divides the interest rate (I) by the number of days in the year (D). R = I / D For example, an annual rate of 18% is calculated as a .049315% daily rate (R = 18/365). Remember to enter the ANNUAL RATE on the Bill To screen. Finance Charge Calculation The Daily Rate is used to calculate the interest on each outstanding invoice. For our example, we will assume that today is 09/01/13 and [...]

AP Invoice Import — 3.3%

[...] Check file, this amount should match the total of all non-void checks linked to the invoice. f7 - Balance - AP invoice open balance f8 - UDRef - AP invoice reference # f9 - APAcc - AP payable GL account stored in the APMAST table. This is used for selecting AP invoice records by payable account on some reports. This value should match the account flagged as the control account in the AP Invoice Distribution import. f10 - PurDate - AP Invoice Date value. Generally the date marked on the invoice. (MM/DD/YYYY) f11 - TranDte - AP invoice [...]

Print Balance Sheet — 2.8%

General Information Default Menu Location : Reports >> General Ledger >> Balance Sheet Screen Name : GLBALSHEET Function : The Print GL Balance [...]

Sales Order Management — 2.2%

[...] Margin% marginprct Amount Ord ordamt Amount Ship shipamt Amount Billed billedamt Balance balance Inv# invno Inv Date invdate SO Type sotypec Standard Report Fields(Line Items) Item # item Description descrip Ship Date shipdate Qty Ord qtyord Qty Billed qtybilled Qty Shp qtyshp Qty Open qtybackord Group Footer "Item Totals for SO#: " + sono qtyord qtybilled qtyshp qtybackord Summary Totals Total Ordered ordamt Total [...]

Buyout Audit — 2.2%

[...] Beginning Date: Beginning date for the report Ending Date: Ending date for the report Include Zero Balance: Option to include Zero Balance [...]

Depreciation Information — 2.2%

[...] (original costs of asset – scrap value)/estimated asset life DB200 - Accelerated Double-declining balance. This method writes off depreciation costs more quickly than the straight-line method. Generally, the purpose behind this is to minimize taxable income. This method essentially doubles the rate of depreciation of the straight-line method: 2 x (original costs of asset – scrap value / est'd asset life). Switchover to SL is automatically made when the annual depreciation using the declining balance method becomes less than the annual [...]

Reverse and Credit a Closed Invoice — 2.2%

[...] make sure you have the "Include Paid" selected, located between the two grids. This will reset the balance to the original amount. Apply Step Three Void the invoice. It’s very important that you select: 1. YES for “Issue Credit and Unship/Bill” 2. YES on “Reopen Sales Order” 3. NO!!! on “Apply Credit to Original Invoice”. There will now be a header note with a new credit memo invoice. The balance will be addressed in a few steps. AR Invoice Master - Click for full size AR Invoice Master - Click for full size [...]

AR Aging Report — 2.2%

[...] expressions: Customer : The Company's name and customer's number. custno + company Customer Total : The balance total for the customer. balance [...]

AR Invoice Import — 1.7%

[...] *f28 - TotAmt - Total invoice amount. This should be the sum of the TaxAmt and the SubAmt. *f29 - Balance - Invoice remaining open balance f30 - AcctMgr - Account Manager name on the invoice. Account Manager entries should exactly match an existing Contact record set up with the Account Manager attribute. If they do not match, the entry will be imported to the datatable, but it will not display in AR Invoice Master. f31 - InvType - This field is not in use f32 - FrAmt - Freight dollar amount. This value can be useful for separating [...]

System Generated Double Entry — 1.7%

[...] accounts in the general ledger. If the accounting entries are recorded without error, the aggregate balance of all accounts having positive balances will be equal to the aggregate balance of all accounts having negative balances. Accounting entries that debit and credit related accounts typically include the same date and identifying code in both accounts, so that in case of error, each debit and credit can be traced back to a journal and transaction source document, thus preserving an audit trail. The rules for formulating accounting entries [...]

AP Invoice Master — 1.7%

[...] Maintenance screen, unless the vendor has another control account specified in the Sold From screen. An auto-balance account number will appear in the grid by default. It will be marked red and cannot be edited. It will be one of three accounts: 1. If you are creating an invoice without a PO Receipt and the vendor does not have a default GL account, the account number will be the default Purchase Clearing account (as listed in the CID Maintenance screen). 2. If you are creating an invoice without a PO Receipt and the vendor has a default GL account, the account number will [...]

Credit Hold & Credit Limits — 1.7%

[...] screen. Credit Limit Calculation A customer's credit limit is calculated by adding the current AR balance to the current Open Sales Order amount. For example, a customer with a $10,000 credit limit will exceed that amount if you enter a sales order for $1000 and they already have a $9100 balance in AR. The Past Due Days Limit creates the same restrictions as exceeding a credit limit. If an invoice has remain unpaid for a period greater than the "Past Due Days Limit," then the customer is said to have exceeded their credit limit. Credit [...]

Invoice Register Report — 1.7%

[...] The sales tax for the invoice. taxamt Invoice Total: The total amount for the invoice. totamt Balance: The total balance [...]

Project Control - Master — 1.7%

[...] can make this field control the COD value on linked Sales Orders (SO) and Bills of Lading (BOL). COD Balance: Project COD Balance will automatically [...]

AR Recap — 1.7%

[...] Accounts; and it also displays over 90 days balances of the accounts. Report Filters Major Account (Balance > $xxxx): Balances higher than the amount entered in the field will be displayed on the report. Major Over Days: A list of major accounts that are over the days entered in the field. Small Account (Any Balance over xx Days): A list of small accounts that are over the days entered in the field. Standard Report Fields (Header) Reports are different for every customers; however, some basic rules are the same. The following is a [...]

Financial Report Writer — 1.7%

[...] Displays the account numbers on the report. Remove Zero Balances Displays the report removing all zero balance records. Drill Down View Creates a hyperlink report allowing access to more detail information. GL Account Short, GL Account Long, Segment Short, Segment Long Determine where to pull the description from to display on the report. Click here for a screenshot Click here for a screenshot Columns Tab Columns are determine by the number of columns selected on the header page. Financial report writer Columns tab screenshot Account Mask: A type of roll up [...]

Inventory vs. GL Dump Accounts — 1.1%

[...] reconciliation activities when inventory, accounts receivable, or accounts payable GL balances get out of balance with the transaction data. The GL Accounts for Inventory (INVGLACCTS) rule must also be set up with the same GL accounts as this rule in order for the Nite Inventory processes to work properly. The Nite Inventory process is a system service that must be set up by ABIS personnel in order to start tracking nightly inventory and GL reconciliation data. Contact your ABIS consultant if you want the Nite Inventory process set up and running. Rule Setup – Text [...]

Payment Term Codes — 1.1%

[...] This will be selected as the default terms option when setting up new customers and vendors. No Cash Balance(Log 8): This will prevent users from being able to ship a Sales Order with the matching terms if the Cash Balance [...]

Processing of Point of Sale (POS) Cash Received — 1.1%

[...] Date: The post mark date of the payment. Trans Date: The transaction date of the purchase. Open Balance: The total amount owed for the sales order. This will be automatically generated by the totals in the sales order. Payment: The amount of money put towards to sale. Discount: The discount amount in dollars. Adjustment This is for any necessary adjustments to the price. New Balance: [...]

Print Invoices — 1.1%

[...] display the Billing Notes on the invoice (for use with Time Billing invoices only). Show Accounting Balance: Check this box to display the current invoice balance. [...]

Consolidated Billing Statement — 1.1%

[...] generate the statement. Number of Copies: Select the number of copies to generate. Show Accounting Balance: Check this box to see the Accounting Balance [...]

Project Job Cost Report — 1.1%

[...] invoices for the project Paid Total: Total amount paid against all selected invoices for the project Balance: Remaining balance [...]

Adjutant End of Year Guide — 1.1%

[...] For more information on the Unbilled PO Receipts report, refer to the following Wiki : RECONCILE & BALANCE KEY GL ACCOUNTS There are several general ledger account balances that should be reconciled against their corresponding operational reports (that do not use GL data) on an ongoing basis. Reconciling the following systems on an ongoing monthly (or more frequent) basis helps find potential operational or personnel surprises while they are still current. Generally speaking, there are many more options available for correcting a situation before the situation gets [...]

Auto Process Schedule — 1.1%

[...] batch to run. You should schedule the batch to run according to your report sets. For example, if a Balance Sheet is in your report sets, then you want the batch to run before the Balance [...]

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