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Default Menu Locator Reports >> Accounts Receivable >> AR Recap

Screen Name ARRECAP

AR Recap Screen

AR Recap Screen

Function AR Recap screen shows the balances of Major Accounts and Small Accounts; and it also displays over 90 days balances of the accounts.

Report Filters

Major Account (Balance > $xxxx): Balances higher than the amount entered in the field will be displayed on the report.

Major Over Days: A list of major accounts that are over the days entered in the field.

Small Account (Any Balance over xx Days): A list of small accounts that are over the days entered in the field.

Standard Report Fields (Header)

Reports are different for every customers; however, some basic rules are the same. The following is a list of report expression(s):

Company: Your Company name.


Standard Report Fields (Line Items)

Major Accounts: Major customers from your company.

  • iif(zmmflag='1', "Major Accounts")

Small Accounts: Other customers

  • iif(zmmflag='1', "Small Accounts")

Balance: Customer balances.

  • "Over " + alltrim(str(iif(zmmflag='1',lc_d3,lc_d2)))

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