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CID Setup Options — 4.2%

General Info CID Setup Options determine how Adjutant operates. They are maintained in the Company ID (CID) Maintenance . They may also be changed through Screen Setup Options . Setup Options and Definitions Numbers 45BOMCHK - Require users to enter 1 or 3 when asked to continue to use raw material that is not on a BOM. If setup [...]

Drill Down Reports — 1.9%

[...] click Preview to create a drill down report. Drill Down Box Adding Drill Downs A Custom CID or other customized report/form can have drill downs added to it by adding some code into the expression's properties. 1. Select the custom form you want to customize and click the Customize button. 2. Double click the field you want to add a drill down to. 3. The code goes into the User Data section on the Other tab of Field Properties (the Field Properties screen pops up when you double click a field). 4. Click the Edit User data button to fill out the drill [...]

Order Entry Setup Options — 1.8%

Setup Options & Definitions ADJAR - Adjutant Accounts Receivable module is installed. AMS - Integration with an AMS roll former controller (Eclipse Software) is being used. AMSBUNDLESET2 - Option to change layout of AMSBUNDLE user fields. Change layout of user fields to match new format (Pass Customer PO# to Eclipse in the User1 field, and pass the Job# to Eclipse). AMSPUNCHISP - If set, then use RCODE = P as leading punch question. AMSUSER2PROFILE - Change values in orderin.del file. AMSUSER5CUSTNO - Change to use profile profile [...]

Production Setup Options — 1.5%

Setup Options & Definitions ALLRES - Post time to any resource on the Time and Material Entry screen (no assignments necessary). AMS - Integration with an AMS roll former controller (Eclipse Software) is being used. AMSUSEMACHNUM - Option to copy machine number to AMS_ORDERIN table during AMS process. AMSPUNCHISP - If set, then use RCODE = P as leading punch question. AMSUSER2PROFILE - Change values in orderin.del file. AMSUSER5CUSTNO - Change to use profile profile instead of ams profile. COLORBYDEPT - Color codes tasks by Department [...]

Company ID (CID) Maintenance — 1.5%

General Information Default Menu Location Maintain >> System >> CID Maintenance Screen Name CID Function The Company ID (CID) Maintenance Screen is used to maintain general system and accounting information for your company. For further detail on CID options throughout the set up see the CID Setup Options page. CID Maintenance [...]

Cut Charge / Freight Charge Setup — 1.4%

General Information Default Menu Location Maintain >> Order Entry >> Cut/Freight Charge Setup Cut Charge Setup Function The Cut Charge Setup screen allows user to implement and control the automatically calculated cutting charges for material sales that fall below a specific length requirement. The setup screen allows length controls to be established by one of four different criteria called Process Filters. The pricing and format of the cut charges can also be customized. Once [...]

Purchasing Setup Options — 1.4%

Setup Options & Definitions ADJAP - Adjutant Accounts Payable module is installed. CFSSHOWTOTAL - Option to show total band, default is off. CHECKORDERINC - For PO screen, and if enabled, force the OrdQty to be multiple of the the OHF orderinc value. Only check if OrderInc is 0, and if the PO qty is in stk units. If not a multiple, reset to nearest multiple and alert user. CLEARPOMSN - Clears the Project ID and Phase fields on the Purchase Order for each new line item. COILLABELLOG - Add print button to display coil screen to print [...]

Quote Setup Options — 1.2%

Quote Setup Options ADJAR - Adjutant Accounts Receivable module is installed. AVAILRED - AVAILRED BLANKESTDATE - Set the matching date to blank if set. BLANKREQDATE - Set the matching date to blank if set. CHECKPROFILE - CHECKPROFILE CHKZEROPRICE - Notifies user if item has $0 price and SO line is submitted to production. COPYRFQDOCVAULT - If enabled, ask to copy docvault files from copy source RFQ to new RFQ. Ask during save process. DOCLIMITCHECK - System will check the Credit Limit on Bill To screen when entering new task or [...]

Screen Setup Options — 1.2%

The Screen Setup Options window is called from the Info button on the Forum/Info/Wiki screen. It displays system and security information about a screen. Add Security for Users An administrator may use this tab to update security rights related to the screen for multiple users. The grid on the left side of the screen lists all of the Security Rights applicable to the screen. The grid on the right side of the screen lists all of the Users in your system. Update User security rights by checking the applicable boxes on both grids and [...]

CID Accounting Setup — 1.2%

General Information Default Menu Location Maintain >> System >> CID Maintenance Screen Name CID Function The Company ID (CID) Maintenance Screen is used to maintain general system and accounting information for your company. For further detail on CID options throughout the set up see the CID Setup Options page. Accounting Backend The Accounting Backend tab contains [...]

Email Setup Options — 1.2%

Setup Options & Descriptions APPAPPR - Sends email to all people with pending approvals. Runs every 30 mins, 6am to 7pm M-F. APPREMAILDEL - Controls sending of emails through the approval screen. Enable to be able to decline in approval screen. APPREMAILOK - Controls sending of emails through the approval screen. Enable to be able to approve in approval screen. BCCSELF - Blind Carbon Copies the user on all emails sent out of Adjutant. DIARSCSV - If set then attach xls file as csv file to emails and file saves generated from report [...]

Item Control Setup Options — 1.1%

Setup Options & Definitions ADJTRANSACTION - ADJTRANSACTION ALLRES - Post time to any resource on the Time and Material Entry screen (no assignments necessary). AMS - Integration with an AMS roll former controller (Eclipse Software) is being used. CCBINSORT - If enabled handles bins special (left pads 99 blocks to two chars each to make number sorts work correctly. CCNITEINV2 - Option to generate niteinv2 records after commits complete. Records made for each item/loctid committed. CCOUNTCHNGWHSE - CCOUNTCHNGWHSE CCOUNTWHSECHNG [...]

Import Setup Options — 0.8%

Import Setup Options DIRITEMDET - DIRITEMDET FILLBEAMSIZE - Added logic to MBSGRID to save the beam size to a configurable question named with beam size in description. ITEMEXACT - Displays item in item master when an exact match is entered, regardless if there are other items that may be a partial match. ITEMSPECCHAR - If set, allow expanded character set in item codes. LEADIMPMATCH - Uses matching logic to allow user to select possible match on the lead importer. LEADUPCUSTNO - If set, and custno in import file, matched import [...]

PO Receipt Cost Update Options on the SO — 0.8%

General Information There are a few different options for updating the Sales Order (SO) line unit cost from a linked Purchase Order (PO) line. Below are some of the CID Setup Options available, and how they work to update the linked SO cost. PORECUPSOCOST The PORECUPSOCOST is the default setup option for most customers who want to update the SO line item unit cost once the linked item is received. The PORECUPSOCOST option requires that the PO line [...]

Warehouse Setup Options — 0.8%

Setup Options & Definitions CALCDRIVETIME - Automatically calculates driving distance from the Sales Order warehouse to the Ship To address per driving directions from Yahoo. Enabling this option will slow down order entry for new Ship To locations. CCBINSORT - If enabled handles bins special (left pads 99 blocks to two chars each to make number sorts work correctly). CCNITEINV2 - Option to generate niteinv2 records after commits complete. Records made for each item/loctid committed. CCOUNTCHNGWHSE - CCOUNTCHNGWHSE CCOUNTWHSECHNG [...]

Project Checklist — 0.8%

[...] matches the project type of the selected project record. Some of the built-in features include: Flexible setup for multiple project types Flexible navigation with collapse/expand controls, page jumps, and footer filters Project Phase date integration with start and end dates End Date color-coded warnings Quick Task feature with time tracking Ability to link to web-based resources from each line Ability to add custom lines ‘on the fly’ Ability to create custom templates for variations on the standard checklist Project Checklist Setup Project [...]

Barcode Scanner - Prompt 77 - Coil Receipt Verify — 0.8%

General Info Prompt 77 is used to verify items as physically at the plant before receipt. Setup of rule maintenance, standard task, route maintenance and email template to be completed before use. Rule setup 1. Navigate to Event List in rule maintenance screen. 2. Add new Event to EVENTLIST rule with the event and type codes as **POSCAN-XXX, where XXX is the location found in the Warehouse Screen , and code is set to CR. 3. This must be done for each location. Email Template Setup 1. Navigate [...]

Auto Batch Options — 0.8%

[...] General Information Default Menu Location : Maintain >> System >> Rule Maintenance >> Auto Batch Options Screen Name : RULEM Function: The AutoBatch rule defines what will be processed (batches, postings, and invoices), where invoices will be printed (if not emailed or faxed), and who the summary email will go to. The Summary email contains a list of invoices and batches that were processed. AutoBatch Rule - Click for full size Fields Printer Code : The two digit printer ID as defined in Printer Control . Invoices that are not emailed or faxed will print [...]

Standard Task Import — 0.8%

[...] days), ##w (for weeks), or ##m (for months). f8 - Admin - Enter a 'Y' to check the Admin box on the Options tab of the Standard Task screen. Leave blank or enter 'N' to leave the box unchecked. f9 - NonBill - Enter a 'Y' to check the Non-Billable Task box on the Options tab of the Standard Task screen. Leave blank or enter 'N' to leave the box unchecked. f10 - InHouse - Enter a 'Y' to check the In-House box on the Options tab of the Standard Task screen. Leave blank or enter 'N' to leave the box unchecked. [...]

Shipping Setup Options — 0.8%

Setup Options & Definitions ADDTODROPS - Add 1 to all drops with higher drop by 1 on change of drop number. ADJAR - Adjutant Accounts Receivable module is installed. ASKEDITNOTE - Allows the user to edit the Invoice Header note in the Approval/Edit Billing and Ship SO screens after creating the invoice. AUTOQUICKCART - Automatically creates a carton with settings from QUICKCARTON whenever a shipping event is created. If AUTOQUICKCART is enabled, make default QuickCart when SE is saved. BOLBYCARRIER - If enabled split up BOLs by shipto/carrier. [...]

Procurement Setup Options — 0.7%

Setup Options & Definitions ADJAP - Adjutant Accounts Payable module is installed. CHECKORDERINC - For PO screen, and if enabled, force the OrdQty to be multiple of the OHF orderinc value. Only check if OrderInc is 0, and if the PO qty is in stk units. If not a multiple, reset to nearest multiple and alert user. CLEARPOMSN - Clears the Project ID and phase fields on the purchase order for each new line item. CONFUSER - User ID defaults into the Confirm To field on the Purchase Order Header. CONSUMABLE - CONSUMABLE DIRITEMDET - DIRITEMDET [...]

Accounts Payable Setup Options — 0.7%

Setup Options & Definitions ADJAP - Adjutant Accounts Payable module is installed. ADJGL - Adjutant General Ledger module is installed. AP20CHKNO - Create new check number and manual check number fields in apchkacct table (16 characters). Use as check number fields if AP20CHKNO setup option is enabled. Change screens to use 15 char numbers. APAGEPOLIST - Add POs linked to AP Invoice to polist field in cursor. Only works in detail mode. APAPRPPAYZERO - Makes 0 show up in grid. APCHECK48 - Allows 48 invoices [...]

Connection Information — 0.7%

[...] connection, payment, and inspection information for each address. The information is derived from the Tapping Setup screen and the information that is entered when the service orders are updated/completed.This is an attribute screen located in the Organization attributes. The attribute's code is CONNECTION. Master Tab Subdivision: The subdivision selected based on what district/city the address is located in. This information will be populated through the Tapping Setup screen. Section/Block/Lot/Tract: The legal description of the address location. [...]

Adjutant End of Year Guide — 0.7%

[...] year structure with December as the end of year month. For customers with a different fiscal calendar setup, simply adapt the procedures in this guide to your calendar. The guide is categorized by pre-end of year preparation steps and actual end of year closeout steps. Not all of the steps will apply to all customers. The steps presented are the best practice procedures for most customers and may not reflect every customer’s end of year needs. This guide is also not meant to be an all-inclusive guide for every customer. Some customer’s unique required end of year reporting [...]

Accounts Receivable Setup Options — 0.6%

Setup Options & Definitions ADJAR - Adjutant Accounts Receivable module is installed. ARAGINGDBEXP - Fields added to cursor in summary mode. Data is dumped to ADJ_DB_EXPORT.xls in Adj Root folder if ARAGINGDBEXP cid option is set. ARCREDITDISC - Calculates available discounts on invoices when applying a credit in the Apply Credits screen. ARFULLDISC - Shows the full discount offered in the Cash Receipt screen, regardless of what the paid amount is. Discount is calculated on balance if set, not paid amt. [...]

Allocate Inventory to Projects — 0.6%

Setup Options The CID Setup Option, PROJHELDFOR, automatically creates a Held For (rule is HOLDER) record for any new project that has the Allocate Inventory box checked. NOTE: If you are going to allocate inventory to projects, it is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED that this setup [...]

Project Grid Defaults — 0.6%

[...] customize the task, UDQ, and weight information displayed on the Project Grid screen. TASK COLUMN SETUP: Rule Setup – Text Fields Code: The only valid entries are BOM TYPE and BU DEPT. These codes work with the corresponding value in the 'Value' field to specify the Sales Order type or Production Department that should update the weight totals in the grid. Value: Enter the Sales Order type (or types separated by a comma) that should feed the BOM Weight column. Enter the Department code that should feed the BU DEPT Weight in [...]

Commission Setup Options — 0.5%

Commission Setup Options ADJAR - Adjutant Accounts Receivable module is installed. COMMONPLAN - Coded that to check every time a record needs to be written if that person has a plan, if not do not write their record to the report. COMMSELLPRICE - Commissions are based upon selling price. LASTTOUCH - When enabled, show two new columns in the Earned tab (Last Touch and LT Aged Days) NOOCTDISCOUNT - Coded to not include supplements in calculating the [...]

Adj 20/20 Default User Options — 0.5%

[...] Function The Adjutant 20/20 Default User Option rule contains the default User in Adjutant User Options to select on ALL new User in Adjutant records. This rule helps define the Adjutant 20/20 Quick Launch icons that are hidden by default for all new users. After a User in Adjutant record has been created, and the defaults have been checked, they can be changed as needed in the individual user's record. Rule Setup – Text Fields User Option: Enter the user option name from the User in Adjutant User Options [...]

Terminal Control in Hosted Setup — 0.5%

Instructions for using the Worth terminals in Adjutant in a hosted TS setup. On the local computer 1) The new style terminals have to be put into 6 line emulation mode (it is in the setup on the terminals) (LCD setup, change to 6) 2) Install the base station driver software from the Worth CD, then connect the base station to the computer. The computer should find the base station and install the needed device drivers. When done, the USB to serial adapter should appear in the device manager, and indicate [...]

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