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General Description

Default Menu Location Maintain >> Address Book >> Contact


From the Contact screen, click on the green hammer People Air Hammer on the right of the screen to access the Contact Air Hammer screen

The Air Hammer is a drill-down tool that displays information about the person you have selected.

  • Click on any of the tabs to display information correlating to the person and the tab you've selected

  • Drill down even further by double-clicking in the grid on the item you want more information on

  • Click the Select button to choose another person

  • Click Print to display the Message Control Screen

  • To search for specific items within certain tabs, enter the item code or description and click the Image button

  • Click the Summary button or Show Detail button to toggle between summary and detail formats

Tab Options

Work Performed: Tasks that have been completed by the person

Phone Calls: Phone calls made to or from the person (requires telephony module and telephone system integration)

Contracts: Contracts where the person is the contract manager

Audit Log: A summary audit log of system interaction involving the person

Open Task: Open tasks for the person

Notes: Notes owned by the person

Quote: Customer quotes created by the person

Purchase Orders: Purchases created by the person

Invoices- SP: Invoices where the person is the salesperson

Invoices - Res: Invoices where the person is a resource

Sales Orders: Sales orders created by the person

Projects: Projects where the person is a the project manager

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