Journal Entry Architecture - GL Mapping

Modified on Wed, 14 Nov 2012 09:47 by Greg Andrews — Categorized as: General Ledger, Production

Stock Inventory

Inventory Control Account: is determined by the Control Account listed on the OHF tab of the Item Master.

Accounting of Stock Item


Purchase Order Receipt: A Debit is made to Stock Inventory account and a Credit is made to Accrued AP (P.O. Clearing)

For more information please see the PO Receipt page

AP Invoice: A Debit is made to Accrued AP and a Credit is made to Accounts Payable

For more information please see the Accounts Payable page

AP Check: A Debit is made to Accounts Payable and a Credit is made to a cash account

For more information please see the Print AP Checks page

Production of Stock Item


Purchase Order Receipt: A Debit is made to Stock Inventory account and a Credit is made to Accrued AP (P.O. Clearing)

For more information please see the PO Receipt page

Production Work Order Assigned: A Debit is made to WIP and a Credit is made to Stock Inventory account

For more information please see the WIP - Definition page

PWO Assembly: A Debit is made to Stock Inventory account and a Credit is made to WIP

Based on the setup of the assembled item, the Debit can go to a stock or non-stock inventory control account.
For more information on the WIP functionality please see the Journal Entry Invoicing page

Ship SO: A Debit is made to WIP and a Credit is made to the same Inventory Control account used at the end of production.

Work in Progress is used again to signify that the inventory can not be used for another order and we have not yet invoiced for it.
For more information on orders not yet invoiced please see the Shipped and Not Invoiced page

Invoice: A Debit is made to COGS and a Credit is made to WIP

For more information on the entire invoicing process please see the Journal Entry Architecture - Invoicing page
