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There are a few different options for updating the Sales Order (SO) line unit cost from a linked Purchase Order (PO) line. Below are some of the CID Setup Options available, and how they work to update the linked SO cost.


The PORECUPSOCOST is the default setup option for most customers who want to update the SO line item unit cost once the linked item is received. The PORECUPSOCOST option requires that the PO line item code and the SO line item match. For example, even with the setup option enabled, if you have an item code of BOLT1001 on the SO, but the linked PO line item is MISC (or anything other than BOLT1001), the cost will not update.

The PO line has to be properly linked to the SO line in order for the update to take place. This can happen by generating the PO from the SO, or by linking the two lines after both the PO and the SO have been created separately. As long as the PO and SO lines are both linked when the PO Receipt is processed, and the item codes are a match, the unit cost recorded on the PO Receipt will update the unit cost on the SO.

This option will also update the linked SO cost upon edit of the linked PO line cost if the item codes match.

This option will also keep the PO quantity linked to the SO line quantity ordered in sync by updating the SO line quantity when the PO quantity is changed.


This option is only to be used in very specific types of operations. The PORECUPCOST2 option requires that the PORECUPSOCOST option ALSO is enabled. With these options both enabled, the extended cost of all received quantities on the linked PO line will be updated to the SO line. This is for situations where the SO quantity being sold differs from the item(s) and quantities being purchased. For example, if selling 1 Rope Assembly on the SO, but ordering 20 feet of X Gauge Rope on the PO, the extended cost of the 20 feet of rope would be pushed back to the linked SO line. This updates sets the sum of the PO cost received rather than the individual unit cost as the unit cost on the linked SO line. This update make several assumptions and can create several problems with unit cost if it is not used in the right environment.

The PORECUPSOCOST requirement to match the item code between PO and SO is ignored when PORECUPCOST2 is enabled.

This setup option is very specific to certain ordering processes, and it is a global option, so it is not recommended unless ALL linked ordering processes support this model. This is a very rare option.


The PORECUPCOST3 option will update the unit cost on a linked SO line from multiple linked PO lines. This option assumes that when multiple PO line items are linked to a single SO line, the total of all received cost on all linked PO lines should update/add to the single SO line. For example, if you sell a KIT1001 on the SO line, and link 4 different PO lines for the 4 different items and quantities needed, the total of all received cost for the linked PO lines will be pushed to the single SO line. The SO cost update also takes the SO sold unit into account. In the example above, if you were selling 2 KIT1001s on the SO and received a total of $100 worth of material across the 4 PO lines, the SO cost would be $100 / 2 or $50 per sold unit.

Similar to PORECUPCOST2, this setup option is very specific to certain ordering processes, and it is a global option, so it is not recommended unless ALL linked ordering processes support this model. This is a very rare option.


This option works similar to PORECUPSOCOST and assumes a 1-to-1 linek between the PO line and the SO line. It also requires that the item code match between the PO and the SO. This option will use the PO line item description to update the line item description on the SO. The SO line item description update can happen during a line edit on the linked PO if the item codes match.

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