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General Information

Default Menu Location: Transaction >> Production >> Production WO Master

Screen Name: WOMAST

Function: A production work order is an order in the system to produce one or more items.

It can be for a specific customer or a "Build for Stock" order to replenish stock inventory.

The Production Work Order screen allows you to create, edit, void, and complete a production work order.



Along with the other hot keys that are system wide the PWO can show an order's work history in a pop up thru [SHIFT] + [F11] , click here to see image Work Order History

Each PWO must have a Production Plant, Warehouse, Owner, Held For, and at least one Line Item or Yield.

There are eight tabs on the Production Work Order screen.

Cust ID: The customer's Organization ID. This field is automatically populated if the PWO is generated from a SO.

Name: The customer's name. This field is automatically populated if the PWO is generated from a SO.

Build For Stock: Check this box if you are creating a new PWO and the Yields will be used to replenish stock inventory. There is no customer in this case.

Plant: The Production Plant. This field is automatically populated if the PWO is generated from a SO.

Whse: The Warehouse. This field is automatically populated if the PWO is generated from a SO.

Owner: The name of the Inventory Owner. This field is automatically populated if the PWO is generated from a SO.

Held For: The Inventory Holder. This field is automatically populated if the PWO is generated from a SO.

Dept: The Department the PWO falls under. This field is automatically populated if the PWO is generated from a SO.

Due Date: The due date of the PWO. This field is automatically populated if the PWO is generated from a SO. The Load Date from the SO Header is also used as the Due Date.

Sales Order#: The SO# that generated the PWO.

Sch Date/Time: The scheduled date and time of the PWO.

Comp Date: The completion date of the PWO.

Send AMS: This button will push production lines directly from a build for stock work order into the roll former integration process without the need for a sales order. Note: Users will need to have AMS, Connex or other roll former integration set up and active to use this feature.

Report Drop Down: From this drop down at the bottom of the screen, you can run reports for that specific production work order. The reports that populate are controlled by the PWOREPORT rule.

Work Order History: The work order history screen can be accessed by pressing Shift + F11.

Links to the other seven tabs may be found here:

See Also

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