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Transaction >> Importers/Exporters >> Item Control >>Item Notes Import

General Information

Imports item notes for use as line notes in other application records, such as Quotes, Sales Orders, Invoices, Production Work Orders, and Purchase Orders.


There is a limit of 255 characters per Excel field that may limit the size of the note being imported. Excel will allow entry of more than 255 characters in a cell, but the spreadsheet will not save anything over 255 characters per cell.

The Adjutant note field does not have the same character limit, it is capable of handling much larger notes. You can manually add notes to the Item notes screen that exceed 255 characters.

The Item Notes Import replaces any existing notes upon import. It will not append, or add to existing notes. Importing a blank note value will delete the note.

Item Notes Import Screen

Item Notes Import Screen

File Name/Browse: Use the Browse button to locate and select the completed Item Notes Import template file (in XLS format).

Map Fields: Fields must be mapped prior to importing. If no changes have been made to the column headings, the mapping screen should show all green, and you can click OK to continue. If any of the Input Field Name columns on the left are red, single-click on the line on the left column, and then double-click the desired mapped field in the right column to complete the mapping. Repeat for any red lines on the left that should be mapped. If there are additional columns in the source file that should NOT be mapped, they can be left unmapped (displayed in red). Mandatory fields will require that they be mapped before clicking OK.

Export Template: Generates a blank Item Notes Import template.

Item Notes Import File Definitions

Required fields are indicated with an *

Required fields are indicated with an *

*Item - Adjutant item number

Note - Item note detail. The note will retain the spacing and carriage returns from the Excel field. There is a 255 character limit per field in Excel. Spaces count as characters.

RFQ - Enter a 'Y' to copy the note detail to the RFQ Note (Quote) screen in Item Master.

SO - Enter a 'Y' to copy the note detail to the SO Note (Sales Order) screen in Item Master.

PWO - Enter a 'Y' to copy the note detail to the PWO Note (Production Work Order) screen in Item Master.

INV - Enter a 'Y' to copy the note detail to the Inv Note (Invoice) screen in Item Master.

PO - Enter a 'Y' to copy the note detail to the PO Note (Purchase Order) screen in Item Master.

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