Advanced Order Entry

Component Order Entry

Adjutant’s Component Order Entry is designed with flexibility to accommodate almost any industry’s needs, but also has some features designed specifically for the steel industry. With built in pricing per foot or per square foot, Adjutant can allow entry and pricing for all materials. Tracking and converting weights and measures is a breeze. Adjutant easily handles tracking sales, usage, and costing down to 1/16ths of an inch! No other software out of the box can handle all the needs of order entry when it comes to steel components.

Component Order Entry is integrated with customer pricing tables and automatically handles most forms of customer pricing schemes. Sales Tax is also automatically handled using Adjutant’s Sales Tax Automation. Tax Tables are calculated by ship to address; and if the customer wants that delivered, the system automatically places the order into the production schedule according to current demand and requested load date.

The Component Order Entry system is fully integrated with the Project Management, Purchasing, Production, and Shipping modules, giving you real-time feedback and warnings on issues that can affect your orders and your customer’s satisfaction. Your teams will immediately appreciate how the rich integrations and the amount of information easily available in the Order Entry screens can help them deliver the best experience for your customers.

Item Configurator – Component Order Entry

The Item Configurator is a versatile tool that simplifies order entry and improves production accuracy by prompting options and specifications for customizable items on customer orders. Adjutant’s Item Configurator ensures consistency and eliminates errors while freeing up your valuable expert resources. It guides the user through item specification and customization choices by asking questions, providing pictures, presenting price differentiations, and filtering choices based on compatibility rules.

Key configurable details such as length, width, gauge, color and more are visible and shared throughout an order’s life cycle to all team members. This standardization of key information keeps forms, reports, and screen displays consistent and reliable for everyone. You no longer have to rely on custom note fields for capturing vital material configuration details.

A built-in copy function makes it easy to assign the same characteristics and questions to multiple items. Specialized configuration export and import routines make it easy to make updates to entire product lines in minutes. Specialized reporting is also available that helps you track the performance and accuracy of configurable items.

About ABIS

ABIS was founded in 1983, and in the 40 years since, we have established our niche in the steel sector. Our team continues to build upon industry best practices to offer the most comprehensive, robust business process management software available – the Adjutant Software Platform. We’ve built ourselves on the premise that you shouldn’t need any more than one great software to effectively automate your operations, and we’re determined to spend the next 40 years continuing to make business smarter across North America.

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Contact Info

At ABIS, we welcome the opportunity to speak to discuss how we can help equip your business with the tools it needs to succeed. Our solutions are built by our team and tailored for your industry.

Please provide your contact information and we will reach out to you as soon as possible. We look forward to hearing from you!

ABIS, Inc.
1415 North Loop West, Suite 1200
Houston, TX 77008