Travel Expense Admin Fee Procedures
From Adjutant Wiki
To formalize the procedures for calculating and including the travel admin fee on Expense tasks for customer travel.
This applies to any EXP task for customer travel expenses that should include an admin fee. Admin fees are charged on all completed customer travel if the customer's contract agreement includes travel admin fees. Consult with your manager if you are unsure whether or not the customer should be charged an admin fee on travel.
POLICY (The goal/expectation/standard to reinforce)
Travel Admin fees are collected to offset the costs associated with booking, coordinating, and processing the many small tasks that come with travelling to the customer site. Customer travel involves multiple people in ABIS, and the admin travel fee is an agreed-to cost to cover the additional administrative costs for ABIS personnel when processing and completing a travelling assignment.
Currently (March 2019), the admin fee is calculated as 15% of all travel expenses billed to the customer.
PROCEDURES (Steps/Action Items/Behaviors taken to meet expectations)
Calculating the Admin Fee
Create the Expense task for the customer, making sure the contract selected is correct.
Add/Update all expense item amounts in the Materials tab, but leave the Admin Fee line item price at zero.
Print the Completed Service Order form and make sure to choose the TRAVELEXP form template. There are multiple ways to produce the Completed Service Order form for a task.
- Printing Completed Service Order from the Time Entry screen
- Use the 'Print Completed Srv Ord' button on the Labor tab of Time Entry. This process uses a special setup option to produce PDFs that is different from the right-click print option.
- If your Expense Standard Task is set up to default the CSRVORDTRAVELEXP form template, the Document Viewer screen should load the expected template. See below:
- Printing Completed Service Order from other process (such as right-click print from Task Grid or Time Sheet)
- When asked to use the Working Service Order form, select No to load the Completed form
- The Message Control screen will load with the 'Standard' template which does not have the customizations for the admin fee calculation.
- Use the Report Template drop-down to select the TRAVELEXP template. A slightly different version of the form should display like below:
The Admin Fee column will calculate 15% of each line item and display the total admin fee amount.
Edit or add the Admin Fee expense item in the Materials tab and update the price to match the calculated admin fee total.
NOTE - Make sure that the Admin Fee expense item price is zero before using the form to calculate the fee. If you run the report with an admin fee already filled in, the 15% fee will be exaggerated (since it will also calculate 15% of the admin fee).