Task Import
From Adjutant Wiki
Menu Path: Transaction > Importers/Exporters > Other > Task Import
Screen Name: IMPORTTS2
Function: This screen can be used to import several tasks for several customers using a single file. The template can be downloaded [{UP}/Task Import Template.xls|here].
Import as Unbilled: This checkbox will import the tasks in an un-billed / un-transferred status.
Import Template Columns
*Soldto: Adjutant organization ID for the customer of the task.
*Billto: Adjutant organization ID for the entity responsible for paying for the task.
*Shipto: Adjutant organization ID for the entity where the work needs to be done / was done.
Task: Text field to serve as a title for the task. Usually a combination of the Standard Task Code and Standard Task Description.
Projnum: Project number linked to the task.
Phase: Phase of the linked project (only available if Projnum is filled out).
Quote: Quote number linked to the task.
*Ccode: Priority code from the Task Priority Codes rule.
*Dcode: Department code from the Departments rule.
*Wcode: Work Category code from the Task Work Categories rule.
Contract: Contact linked to the task.
Contact: Contact linked to the task.
Asset: Asset that is being worked on for the task.
Maddr1: Manual Address for the task.
Maddr2: Secondary Manual Address field for the task.
Mzip: Zip code for the Manual Address for the task.
Lzone: Zone the task is being performed in.
Status: Status of the task (O for Open, C for Completed).
Compby: Adjutant User ID of the person who completed the task (only fill out if status is C).
Compdate: Completed date of the task (only fill out if status is C).
Internal: Internal flag for the task (Y for internal, blank or N for non-internal).
Locked: Locked status of the task (Y for locked, blank or N for unlocked).
Lockby: Adjutant User ID of the person who locked the task (only fill out if locked is Y).
Lockdate: Locked date of the task (only fill out if locked is Y).
Startdate: Start date of the task.
Enddate: End date of the task.
Note: Notes for the task, usually used to provide a more detail description of what needs to be done.
*Stdtask: Standard Task Code for the task.
* indicates a required column