Sales Tax Due
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(Redirected from Salestaxdue)
General Information
Default Menu Location Reports >> Sales Tax >> Sales Tax Due
URL SalesTaxDue_S.htm
Function The Sales Tax Due report is used to determine the amount to pay taxing authorities for sales made within a given period.
Basis: Determines when the tax is considered due
- Cash: Sales tax is considered due upon receipt of payment (cash receipt). Tax is only considered due when the invoice has been fully paid (has a zero balance).
- Accrual: Sales tax is considered due when the sales order is invoiced (shipped)
- Select Invoices to Process: When checked, allows the user to individually select which invoices they would like to mark as processed for that process period.
Standard Report Fields(Page Header)=
- company
Date Range
- "Date Range:" + dtoc(ld_sdate) + " to " + dtoc(ld_edate)
Group Header 1: State Name
- stname
Group Header 2: Tax Type
Tax Jurisdiction
- taxtype
Standard Report Fields(Details)
- alltrim(taxname)+"-"+alltrim(taxname2)
Non Taxable Amt
- nontaxamt
Taxable Amt
- amount
- taxrate
Tax Due
- taxamt
- taxrate
Tax Due
- taxamt
State Name
- stname
Tax Due
- taxamt
Non Tax Amt
- nontaxtot
- taxtot
Tax Due
- taxamt