Go Live Checklist

From Adjutant Wiki


Mock Go Live

Category Process/Event Comment Complete Date
Mock Go Live Export files from legacy system: Open AR _ _
Mock Go Live Export files from legacy system: Open AP _ _
Mock Go Live Export files from legacy system: Inventory Quantities/Costs _ _
Mock Go Live Export files from legacy system: Coil quantities/costs/info _ _
Mock Go Live Import files into Adjutant: Open AR _ _
Mock Go Live Import files into Adjutant: Open AP _ _
Mock Go Live Import files into Adjutant: Inventory Quantities/Costs _ _
Mock Go Live Import files into Adjutant: Coil quantities/costs/info _ _
Mock Go Live Sort through all open transactions _ _
Mock Go Live Users key in open transactions _ _
Mock Go Live Export historical data for conversion _ _

Parallel Testing

Category Process/Event Comment Complete Date
Parallel Testing__ Users can create Sales Orders from the Sales Order screen and from the Project Screen _ _
Parallel Testing Users can create Purchase Orders using the Purchase Order Screen _ _
Parallel Testing Users can create Purchase Orders using the Quick Buy Screen _ _
Parallel Testing Users can receive Purchase Orders _ _
Parallel Testing Users can create Production Work Orders _ _
Parallel Testing Users can assemble and complete Production Work Orders using scanners _ _
Parallel Testing Users can create Shipping Events _ _
Parallel Testing Users can load Shipping Events using scanners _ _
Parallel Testing Usesr can create Invoices _ _
Parallel Testing Users can apply cash to Invoices _ _
Parallel Testing Users can create and apply AR Credits _ _
Parallel Testing Users can create and reschedule tasks _ _
Parallel Testing Users can create Projects _ _
Parallel Testing Users can fire routes from projects _ _
Parallel Testing Users can apply payments to AP Invoices _ _
Parallel Testing Users can cut AP checks _ _
Parallel Testing Users can add, edit, and delete Contact records _ _
Parallel Testing Users can add, edit, and delete Customer and Vendor records _ _
Parallel Testing Users can adjust and manage inventory quantities _ _
Parallel Testing Users have previewed and verified costst for inventory on Hand Report _ _
Parallel Testing Users have previewed GL Distribution Reports, Balance Sheet, Income Statements, and Cash Flow Statements _ _
Parallel Testing Users have previewed AP Aging, Check Register, and AP Approvals Reports _ _
Parallel Testing Users have previewed AR Aging, Customer Statements, and Cash Receipt Reports _ _
Parallel Testing Users have verified GL routing to the correct cost and revenue accounts _ _
Parallel Testing User security is setup correctly _ _
Parallel Testing Users understand how and when accounting batches are generated and posted _ _
Parallel Testing Users know how to create a basic journal entry _ _
Parallel Testing Users know how to close a GL period _ _
Parallel Testing Users have reviewed the sales tax due report _ _
Parallel Testing Scanners tested in live environment throughout the plant where they will be used _ _
Parallel Testing Barcode printers setup and tested in live environment in plant _ _
Parallel Testing Sufficient scanners and zebra printers procured for all wireless users _ _
Parallel Testing All forms reviewed and approved (includes order confirmation, purchase order, invoice, quote form, PWO forms, check form, etc.) _ _
Parallel Testing Users know how to create a new Item Master record _ _

Pre Go Live

Category Process/Event Comment Complete Date
Pre Go Live Full physical inventory _ _
Pre Go Live All coil tags printed and paired with inventory _ _
Pre Go Live All inventory barcoding and labeling complete _ _
Pre Go Live Come up with an internal schedule for all resources involved with the Adjutant Go Live that outlines all tasks that need to be done for each user _ _

Go Live

Category Process/Event Comment Complete Date
Go Live Purge all transactional test data _ _
Go Live Export files from legacy system: Open AR _ _
Go Live Export files from legacy system: Open AP _ _
Go Live Export files from legacy system: Inventory Quantities/Costs _ _
Go Live Export files from legacy system: Coil quantities/costs/info _ _
Go Live Import files into Adjutant: Open AR _ _
Go Live Import files into Adjutant: Open AP _ _
Go Live Import files into Adjutant: Inventory Quantities/Costs _ _
Go Live Import files into Adjutant: Coil quantities/costs/info _ _
Go Live Sort through all open transactions _ _
Go Live Users key in open transactions _ _
Go Live Export historical data for conversion _ _