Daily Invoice Summary
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(Redirected from Dailyinvoicesummaryreport)Contents
General Description
Default Menu Location: Reports >> Accounts Receivable >> Daily Invoice Summary
Screen Name: Dailyinvoicesummaryreport
Function Daily: Invoice Summary generates a summary of all the different invoices for a day for a sales person.
Report Filters
Custno: Enter the customer number to generate a report.
Company: Enter the company name for the invoice.
Start Date: Enter the start date for the report.
End Date: Enter the end date for the report.
Account Manager: Select an account manager for the invoice.
Sales Person: Select a sales person for the invoice.
Warehous: Select a warehouse to filter the report by.
SO Type: Select an SO Type to filter the report by.
Sort By: Report can be sorted by Bid Order, Change Order, One Time Sales, Recurring Sales, Software License, Work Order.
Group By: Always set to Invoice Number.
Standard Report Fields (Header)
Every customer's report is different but some of the formats are the same.
- lc_company
- lc_report
- lc_title
- lc_slist
Standard Report Fields (Line Items)
Invoice#: The invoice number for the report.
InvDate: The date invoice was generated.
SO#: Sales Order number for the invoice.
Company: Company name for the invoice to generate.
P/C: The completion status --Partial or Complete.
Sales Coordinator: The name of the sales person for this invoice/report.
DistrictMgr: Account manager for this invoice.