Barcode Scanner - Prompt 58 - Cycle Count
From Adjutant Wiki
General Info
Prompt 58 Cycle Count, is used to count inventory according to the Cycle Count screen in Adjutant.
To start a Cycle Count on the terminal, enter 58. Unless you are counting a specific Count Code and/or Bin Location, you can press Enter twice.
Scan Count Code
If a Cycle Count Code was used when submitting the Cycle Count, you can enter it here. The terminal will only recognize items that were submitted using the code. Leave this blank if you do not have a code or do not want to filter by Count Code.
Scan Location
If you are counting only one specific bin, scan the Bin's barcode or enter the bin name here. If you are counting multiple bins, just press Enter.
Scan Package
If the cycle count is a "Verify Only" count, then scanning the item's barcode is the only thing that needs to be done. The barcode can consist of the item code, the P#, or the lot for that item. The terminal will not ask for a quantity, unless the scanned item is not part of the cycle count.
If the cycle count is not a "Verify Only" count, then the terminal will ask for a quantity when the item is scanned.
Scanning items that are not part of the Cycle Count
If you scan an item that is not part of the cycle count, the terminal will display the Item Code and the Serial/Lot number.
You will be asked to enter a quantity so that the item may be counted.