
From Adjutant Wiki

General Information

Default Menu Location: Maintain >> Asset Tracking >> Asset Information OR click the Assets icon in the toolbar.

URL: Asset_S.htm

Function: Setup and maintain information to track assets.

Master Tab

The first tab is used to add/edit/view assets.

The New Task button (green checkmark) will open the Task Master in Add Mode with the Asset and Current Location already filled out.



Asset Tag: Specific code for the asset

Name: Name of the asset

Owner: Owner of the asset

Serial: Serial number of the asset, if applicable

Seral2: Second serial number, if applicable

Entry Date: Enter the date the asset was entered into the system. This field will be populated by the system if the asset was received on a purchase order.

Warranty Exp Date: The date the asset's warranty will expire. This field will be populated by the system if the asset was received on a purchase order and the Warranty Length field is filled out in the Item Master.

Extra Date: Extra date field that can be customized to represent another date that needs to be tracked.

Description: Description of the asset (This field will be populated by the system if the asset was received on a purchase order.)

Based On: Select the item from the Item Master this asset is based on for billing. This field will be populated by the system if the asset was received on a purchase order.

Current Location: Current location of the asset (This is a Ship To record, this field will be populated by the system if the asset was received on a purchase order.)

RFID Unique ID of the asset's RFID tag if it is part of Wireless Warehouse

Latitude: Automatically populated if appropriate software is loaded

Longitude: Automatically populated if appropriate software is loaded

Keyno Unique value used to identify an asset in the database

Details Tab

Details screen contains more information regarding the assets and their attributes.


PO Date: The date the asset's purchase order was received and the PO number

  • This field will be populated by the system if the asset was received on a purchase order.

Inv Date/#/SO#: If the asset is sold, the invoice date, the invoice number, and the sales/work order number

  • This field will be populated by the system if the asset has been sold and invoiced.

Sell Amount: Amount the asset was sold for (This field will be populated by the system if the asset was sold on a sales order.)

Disposal Type: Disposal type that was used to remove the asset from the company

In-Service Date: Date the asset was put into service

Business Use: Percentage the asset is used for business purposes

Life (Years): Depreciation lifespan of the asset


  • Click the Edit Attributes button to edit the attributes/properties of the asset
  • Asset attributes are maintained in the Rule Maintenance screen by selecting Asset Properties from the drop-down menu

Resource: An asset that is used as a resource in task management

Depreciable Asset: An asset whose value is depreciated and tracked for accounting purposes

ECR: An asset that requires the tracking of engineering change requests and notices

Vehicle: An asset information on a vehicle