Accounts Receivable Setup Guide

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This guide covers the setup of the Accounts Receivable (AR) application. The Accounts Receivable application covers invoicing sales orders, receiving payments, and producing customer AR Statements. AR setup should be completed after the System Manager Setup Guide and the General Ledger Setup Guide have been completed to avoid running into any roadblocks.

Initial Setup

Set Up the System Cash/Checking Accounts Screen

This screen is usually found under the Maintain -> Accounts Payable menu. It controls the valid accounts that appear in the Apply Cash Receipts Cash Account list.

  • Add all needed Cash Account GL records. One of the accounts should have the Default AR Account box checked.

Set Up/Review the Default AR Account Hierarchy

Determining the correct AR account to use in multiple situations requires several levels of review and confirmation. Refer to the AR GL Account Hierarchy wiki for more information.

  • CID Maintenance Accounts is the lowest hierarchy for determining the default AR GL account.
  • The Sales Order Type Overflow (SOTYPE2) rule can override the CID Maintenance default AR GL account, if AR GL account is controlled by order type.
  • The AR GL account in the customer Bill To record will override both of these entries, if set.
  • The POS AR GL account set in CID Maintenance is considered a global override and will override all of these for POS transactions if it is set.

AR Invoice Printing/Emailing/Handling

Determine how the client will be printing or emailing invoices for normal business. Determine any exception situations that need to be addressed.

  • Set up the AUTOBATCH rule to process/print invoices according to customer request.
  • Set up all Organizations with appropriate auto process attributes according to customer request.

AR Invoice Form(s)

Work with the client to determine how many invoice form layouts will be needed for their operations. The MASTER forms provide a Component Order and a Building Order invoice form to start.

  • The AR Invoice form should only need minor customizations for disclaimer areas, and to confirm that the logo images scale and display correctly.
  • Make any further customizations and create additional forms as needed.
  • Get customer approval on all AR Invoice forms.
  • The default invoice form can be set in the Invoice Forms rule, by SO Type in the Sales Order Type rule, or in the Bill To attribute at the customer level.

AR Statement Form(s)

Confirm whether the client will be sending Customer AR Statements. AR Statements are generally sent on a schedule determined by the client, and must be manually requested, or set up on an automated Report Set.

  • The AR Statement form should only need minor customizations for disclaimer areas, and to confirm that the logo images scale and display correctly.
  • Make any further customizations and create additional forms as needed.

Verify the AR Item Codes Exist in Item Master

The 'CID_ITEMS_NEW' XLS file can be found in the Implementation Files folder on the FTP site. This file should have been imported as part of the initial CID setup. There are several item codes related to AR data imports and AR processing. Verify that all items in the import are available in Item Master and are set up with the correct OHF records.

Review and Update Rule Maintenance Records

Invoice Forms (INVFORM)

The INVFORM rule controls the valid invoice forms available for both Sales Order billing and Time and Materials billing processes. A default form should be established for the normal invoice form, and for the billing process form (if using). The Invoice Form used can be set by the sales order type rule, or at the customer level in the Bill To attribute.

Invoice Status (INVOICESTAT)

The INVOICESTAT rule controls the valid invoice status entries available. The Invoice Status can be set from the sales order type rule, or it can be manually set in AR Invoice Master. Invoice Status is available as a report filter on the AR Aging Report and the Invoice Register Report.

Payment Terms (TERMS)

The TERMS rule controls the valid terms of payment for both the AR and AP applications. Reconcile the entries against the customer questionnaire and the Open AR Invoice import data (if customer's data includes payment terms). Add any needed terms and delete any terms that are not needed. Too many TERMS options generally add user confusion and can create invoice records with unwanted terms.

  • Note: When importing customer records, or open AR invoices, the entries in the TERM rule must EXACTLY match the terms being imported - including the capitalization - or they will not match on import, and incorrect terms may be set up for the imported records.

Customer Statements (CUSTSTATE)

The CUSTSTATE rule allows for multiple Customer AR Statements to be created and tied to various organizations. If the customer will need multiple AR Statement formats, set up each statement type in this rule.

AR Recap Default Values (ARRECAP)

The ARRECAP rule sets the default values that load in the AR Recap Report to make the report quick and easy to request if no changes are needed.

Cash Receipt Type (CASHRECTYPE)

The CASHRECTYPE rule controls the valid options for the Type field in the Apply Cash Receipts screen. The Cash Receipt Type is available for custom reporting to categorize receipt transactions.

Customer Comment Codes (CUSTCOMM)

The CUSTCOMM rule allows users to set up a short text code that will print a longer, standardized comment on sales order and invoice forms when selected from a drop-down. Comment Codes can be set on the sales order level and will carry over to the invoice form, or they can be manually set on the AR Invoice Master screen. Comment Codes can also be set at the customer level in the Bill To attribute. 

Review and Complete Additional Accounts Receivable Setup

Set up Finance Charge Controls

If the client will be generating finance charges for unpaid invoices, set up all Bill To records with a Finance Charge Annual Percentage Rate and an optional grace period number of days. Discuss the Finance Charge Generation process with client and confirm a process is established to generate the finance charge invoices on a schedule every month. Refer to the Generate Finance Charges Wiki page for additional details on the finance charge process.

  • Review Setup Options FCEXCLPAID (excludes zero balance invoices) and FCNEWCOUNTER (uses FCINV counter from CID Maintenance) and set according to customer's preference.

Review/Customize AR-Related Email Templates

Review each of the following AR-related email templates and customize the details according to client request.

  • ARPASTDUE - Used when sending AR Past Due Emails
  • CLIMIT - Used with the sales order credit limit alert
  • PRINTINV - Used when an AR invoice is emailed
  • PRINTSTATE - Used when a Customer AR Statement is emailed

Scrub and Import Open AR Data

Refer to the Accounts Receivable Invoice Import Guide for detailed information on the import and reconciliation process.

Review System Functionality

Once all core system setup has been completed, perform the following system functionality tests. Some of these will require additional setup in other areas in order to create transactions and report data for testing. Work through each associated setup guide to complete the required setup and verify that each area below is functioning as expected in the new server setup.

  • Verify that reports can be previewed
  • Verify that drilldowns work, this uses an HTML viewer different than previewing a regular report
  • Verify that the doc vaults are accessible
  • Verify that printing is working
  • Verify that both outbound/inbound emailing are working
