Submit to Production

From Adjutant Wiki

General Information

Default Menu Location: None - the Submit to Production screen is called from the Sales Order screen when the SOASKPRODQTY setup option is turned on.

Screen Name: S2P

Function: Allows users to view and modify the quantities of each production item before submitting the order to production.



Qty to Produce: This column can be changed. The qty shown here is what will be submitted to production. Any qty not equal to the order qty on the SO will be highlighted in yellow. Any item with a qty of zero will not be submitted to production.

Stk/NonStk: Displays whether the production item is a stock item or not. Stock items can be pulled from stock.

On Hand: The current on hand qty of the item in the same warehouse as the production plant on the SO line.

Avaliable: The current available qty (on hand less allocated) of the item in the same warehouse as the production plant on the SO line.

Pull From Stock: This column can be changed if the item is marked as stock.

Force Together: Check this box for multiple lines if you want to force them together onto a PWO. This is useful for certain cases where you want to group items together in production that wouldn't normally be grouped.

Single PWO: Check this box for any line that you want separated onto its own PWO.

Neither the Force Together or Single PWO columns are applicable for production environments where a single item is always on a PWO (SINGLEPWO setup option turned on).


All: Sets the Qty to Produce equal to the SO order qty for each line.

None: Sets the Qty to Produce equal to zero for each line.

Non-Stk Only: Sets the Qty to Produce equal to the SO order qty for non-stock items and the Qty to Produce equal to zero for stock items.

Qty Needed: Sets the Qty to Produce equal to the difference between the SO order qty and the Available qty, unless the Available Qty is less than zero in which case the Qty to Produce is set to the SO Order Qty.

Split: Allows you to split one production line into multiple yields. A screen will pop up and allow you to enter the number of yields and the new qty for each one. The total qty of the yields must match the Qty to Produce.

Produce: Sends the items to production and makes Production Work Orders.

Setup Options

The SOASKPRODQTY setup option must be turned on in order for this screen to pop up when you submit an order to production.

The S2PFULLQTY setup option sets the Qty to Produce column equal to the Order Qty, regardless of stock status and on hand availability. With this setup option turned off, the Qty to Produce and Pull From Stock columns are automatically adjusted accordingly to the item's Available Qty.
