Sales Margin Report
From Adjutant Wiki
Default Menu Location
Reports >> Sales Force >> Sales Margin Report
[imageauto||{UP(SALESMARGIN)}Sales Margin Report.png]
General Description
Sales Margin Report screen allows users to generate detail sales report either by period or by date range. When generating a report, users can either generate a report for a specific customer by entering a customer code or leaving a blank in the "Customer Number" field to generate a general report for all the customers.
By Period or By Date Range: Options to choose a report type
Month: Month for the report (Require only if the "By Period" is selected)
Year: Year for the report (Require only if the "By Period" is selected)
Beginning Date: Beginning date for the report (Require only if the "By Date Range" is selected)
Ending Date: Ending date for the report (Require only if the "By Date Range" is selected)
Customer Number: Customer code
Item Number: Item code
Sort By: Options for report generation
Exclude Outbound Freight: Excludes items with the FREIGHTOUT item attribute.
Exclude Inbound Freight: Excludes items with the FREIGHTIN item attribute.
Standard Report Fields(Headers)
- company
Date Range
- gd_passdate
- 'Customer : ' + alltrim(gc_cust)
Item Number
- 'Item: ' + alltrim(gc_item)
- 'Whse: ' + alltrim(gc_plant)
Standard Report Fields(Line Items Detail)
Order Number
- sono
Customer Name
Customer No.
- custno
Invoice No.
- invno
Invoice Date
- invdate
Sales Price
- extstot
Standard Cost
- gc_costlabel
- profit
Total for customer
- 'Total For customer - '+alltrim(CUSTOMER)
Sales Price
- cextstot
Standard Sales
- cstcost
- profit
- textstot
- tstdcost
- tprofit
Q: Why is an AR invoice not displaying on this report?
A: This report only includes AR invoices where the underlying sales order is closed.