Recurring Payables

From Adjutant Wiki

General Information

Default Menu Location Transaction >> Accounts Payable >> Generate Recurring Payables

URL ApGenerateRecurringPayables_S.htm

Function Manage and track ongoing financial obligations that occur regularly and require periodic payments.

Recurring Payables Screen.png

Create Invoice Template

The template for a recurring AP invoice will be set up in the AP Invoice Master. The Template checkbox tells the system the payable will be recurring. This does two things:

1. It stops the AP Invoice from being routed for approval. Only the payables generated from this template will be approved.
2. It allows you to setup the recurring schedule by clicking the Recurring button in the Actions menu.

Recurringpayables.png Recurringstatus.png

Generate Recurring Payables

Use the Generate Recurring screen to generate recurring payables from the AP Invoice Template previously created.


Type Select AP Invoice to generate recurring payables
End Date Cut-off date for the payables to be generated
Company Specific Organization for which payables should be generated
Order Number Specific template AP Invoice for which payables should be generated


Generated payables will be listed on the Generated Orders tab. Recurrpayable.png