Project Budget Map

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General Information

Default Menu Location Maintain >> System >> Rule Maintenance

Function The Project Budget Map rule controls the Item Commodity Codes and user-defined project budget codes linked to Project Types to define budgets on the Project Budgeting tab.

Project Budget Map.png

Rule Setup – Text Fields

Project Type: This field references the two character Project Type code from the Project Types rule. This is used to set up budgets for each specific Project Type.

Item CommCode: This field references the Item Commodity Code to use when grouping transactions into budget categories. A commodity code should not be matched with multiple budget codes.

Budget Code: This field references the budget code (budcode column) used on the Budget Import Template. A budget code can be used with more than one commodity code. For example, commodity codes BEM & COL for Beams and Columns could both be mapped to the same STR (Structural) budget code.

Billcode: This field should match the 2 character code from the Billcode rule record that this budget category should be tied to.

Rule Setup – Number Fields

No Number Fields In Use

Rule Setup – Logic Fields

Labor: Used to indicate that a budget category should be looking at Labor instead of Materials.

Sales Tax: Used to indicate that a budget category should be looking for Sales Tax instead of Materials.