Import Asset
From Adjutant Wiki
End user process to import an asset.
TAGID Asset Tag
NAME Name of asset
OWNER Organization that owns the asset
DEPT Enter the department that controls/ owns the asset
SERIAL Enter the serial number on each asset
DESCRIP The description of the asset
BasedOn When an asset is used in billing, fill out what item this asset is based on
ENTRYDATE The Entry Date for the asset into the system
SVRDATE Enter the in-service date for this asset
LIFE Depreciation lifespan of the asset in years
BUSUSE Percentage the asset is used for business purposes
FEDLIFE Federal Depreciation: The estimated depreciable life of the asset, according to the convention selected
FEDCOST Federal Depreciation: Asset Cost
FEDSALVAGE Federal Depreciation: The salvage value of the asset
FEDMETH Federal Depreciation: Method of depreciation; SL, DB200, DB150, SY
FEDCONV Federal Depreciation: Half-Year, Quarter, Mid Month, or Full Month
STLIFE State Depreciation: The estimated depreciable life of the asset, according to the convention selected
STCOST State Depreciation: Asset Cost
STSALVAGE State Depreciation: The salvage value of the asset
STMETH State Depreciation: Half-Year, Quarter, Mid Month, or Full Month
STCONV State Depreciation: The estimated depreciable life of the asset, according to the convention selected
AMTLIFE Amount Depreciation: The estimated depreciable life of the asset, according to the convention selected
AMTCOST Amount Depreciation: Asset Cost
AMTSALVAGE Amount Depreciation: The salvage value of the asset
AMTMETH Amount Depreciation: Method of depreciation; SL, DB200, DB150, SY
AMTCONV Amount Depreciation: Half-Year, Quarter, Mid Month, or Full Month
BKLIFE Book Depreciation: The estimated depreciable life of the asset, according to the convention selected
BKCOST Book Depreciation: Asset Cost
BKSALVAGE Book Depreciation: The salvage value of the asset
BKMETH Book Depreciation: Method of depreciation; SL, DB200, DB150, SY
BKCONV Book Depreciation: Half-Year, Quarter, Mid Month, or Full Month
NOTE Additional Asset reference notes (not needed) CURLOC Assets current location (not needed)
Additional Information
Please visit our wiki page here! discussing the basics of how the asset importer runs.