Bill of Lading Setup Options
From Adjutant Wiki
Setup Options
ALLRES - Post time to any resource on the Time and Material Entry screen (no assignments necessary0.
BOLCHECKCOD - If enable, and cod amount > 0, then Cashier or Company Check must be selected to save.
BOLCONTPROJ - Change source of contact to def contact of organization, or default contact of project if BOLCONTPROJ is enabled.
BOLFROMSO - Loads all line-item descriptions and line-item weights into Bill of Lading detail.
BOLLOCKDATE - Prevents the Bill of Lading date from being edited once the BOL has been saved.
BOLLOCKPHASE - If set, the Phase field on the BOL becomes locked to just phases of linked tasks (no free text).
BOLSTKFROMSO - Loads stock line items from SO into BOL detail. Functionality is same as BOLFROMSO, but only loads stock items.
BOLTPONLY - Bill To Address is only changed when "Third Party" Freight terms are used. Without this option, "COLLECT', and "COD" are also included.
BOLWARNIFCLOSED - Add warning if Master SO is closed when BOL is created.
MILTIME - Uses Military Time throughout the system.
SINGLEBAG - Single Inventory Package in System
VERBROSE - Turns on the Verbose Checker on time entry.