AR Past Due Emails

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General Information

Default Menu Location: Transaction >> Accounts Receivable >> AR Past Due Emails

Screen Name: ArPastDueEmails

Function: Sends emails or faxes, along with a Customer Statement attachment, to customers that have past due invoices.

AR Past Due Emails.PNG


Org ID / Org Name: Enter a Customer ID or Name to filter the emails to a single customer. Leave these fields blank to send emails to all customers with past due invoices.

Invoice Status: Filter by invoice status or leave as "All" to send emails for all invoices.

Past Due Days: Grace period of days past the due date. Only invoices that fall outside this grace period will be sent. For example, if the due date on an invoice is 09/23/2022, and the grace period is 5 days, then it must be 09/29/22 or later in order for the invoice to be sent.


Report (Single): Generates a single report for all customers selected.

Report (Multi): Generates a report subdivided by each customer (i.e. each customer has their own page on the report).

Auto-Process: Choose the first option to review which customers will receive a notification. You can combine this option with the "Mark as Sent" checkbox to mark all invoices as being sent to the customer without actually sending them a notification.

Mark as Sent: Marks invoices as being sent via this screen.

NOTE: An invoice will only be sent once! If you run this screen every day, it will only send new invoices that have fallen outside of the grace period.