Modification Processor Setup Guide

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This guide covers the setup required to take advantage of the Mofification Processor application.

The Modification Processor application is an incredibly powerful inventory tool that should only be accessed by select personnel that have been trained on the reflexes and potential harm that can be caused to inventory items and inventory value. A reversal tool exists, but it can not reverse every situation.

Extreme caution should be used when providing access to this screen. 


Review the Security-New tab for this screen and make sure only trained users have access to the MODBOWL screen.

Review Setup Options

The following setup options are enabled by default in the MASTER setup. Review these and adjust as needed:

  • MODBOWLUSERWHSE - Sets the Mod Processor Warehouse to the user's Warehouse when the screen is loaded, otherwise its loads as unselected
  • MODNODEL - Disables the Delete action for all users
  • MODSAMELOT - Uses the existing lot# as the new lot# by default
  • MODNOLABEL - Suppresses printing labels from Mod Processor

These are not the only setup options available. There are several other options that are disabled by default, but may be applicable for your customer. Review and adjust other setup options that can affect how Mod Processor functions.

Review Mod Processor Extra Cost (MODEXTRACOST) Rule

The Mod Processor Extra Cost rule controls the valid add-in cost item codes that can be used to process extra cost into items. Common Items for this rule are things like Freight, Handling, Processing, and Storage.

Add item codes that can be used to process extra cost into lot-controlled item to this rule.

  • Items can be Warehouse-specific
  • Items can be set up with an overriding control GL account for the credit entry
  • Items should have the 'MODITEM' Item Attribute assigned

Assign the Appropriate Item Attributes

For any item that can be modified using the Modification Processing screen, you must assign the MODCAPE (Modification, Base Item) Item Attribute. If these attributes were not assigned during Item Control setup, the attribute can be assigned per item using the Item Master screen. Alternatively, you can assign the attribute using a SQL query as follows:

insert into pcxref (type,parentid,childid,ptable,ctable,cidkeyno,showon,adddate,adduser)
select 'MODCAPE' as type,itemmaster.ikey as parentid,itemmaster.ikey as childid,'ITEMMASTER' as ptable, 'ITEMMASTER' as ctable,'CCCCCC' as cidkeyno ,'ITEM' as showon, getdate() as adddate ,'_ADMIN' as adduser from 
where item in ('XXXXXX', 'XXXXXXXX', 'XXXXXXX') and cid = 'CCCCCC' and activeitem = 'y'

  • In the example above, replace the CID value (shown as 'CCCCCC'), with the customer's CID name.
  • In the example above, edit the "where" statement to specify which item numbers or ikeys or other identifying criteria should be used to select the correct item records.

For any item that can be used as an add-in item on the Modification Processing screen, you must assign the MODITEM (Modification, Add-in Item) Item Attribute. If these attributes were not assigned during Item Control setup, the attribute can be assigned per item using the Item Master screen. Alternatively, you can modify the SQL query above by replacing MODITEM with MODCAPE, and adjutsing your "where" statement to select the desired records to update.