Project Management Setup Options

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Setup Options & Definitions

ADJAP - Adjutant Accounts Payable module is installed.

ADJAR - Adjutant Accounts Receivable module is installed.

CHKTSKPOLINK - If set, check open linked po and if record found, hide the complete button and display the Open Linked PO message.

COLORBYDEPT - Color codes tasks by Department instead of by Priority. The Department Color Picker (Maintain >> Task Management >> Dept Color Picker) may be used to determine the color coding.

MSNAUTOTASK - Automatically creates a Default phase and task when a new project is created.


MSNDROPNAME - Makes the drop folders have the XXXXXX-YYYYYY where xxxxx is the ProidID or Proj Numbe based on NEWMSNNUM setting, and YYYYY is the project name.

MSNHOLDOHF - If set, change OHF counter update logic to ignore SO and WO on hold. Change SO screen to check hold status of linked project and update projhold as needed.

MSNLIMITJC - If set, access to the Project Job Cost tab is disabled unless project security token (MSN1) option VIEW JC TAB is enabled or unless user is admin.

MSNLOADPHASEEXPAND - If set, expand all branches in phase tree.

MSNLOCKPHASESTART - If set, enable a new Project S11 security token to control access to edit the Start Date on a phase.

MSNMULTITASK - If set then show list of phases on task tab of project and allow selecting multiple ones.

MSNNEWDATELOGIC - If set, show the new Ship Date and PWO Due Date fields on the phases tab of project control.

MSNNOCHILD - If set, then don't ask if a phase is a child of selected phase when a new phase is being created.


MSNNOENDDATE - If set, ending shipping date on Master tab is set to blank. This date is used to create the ending date on the default phase when saved (onsite date).


MSNNUM - Project Number



MSNPHASEMAT - Summary report is grouped by Phase+CommCode+Item and custom report can be adjusted to show correct grouping. If not set then phase is not used in grouping.

MSNPICKPHASE - If set, when creating an SO from a Project, the user will be prompted to pick a phase for the SO.

MSNREQCUST - Requires a customer to be entered before saving a new Project.

MSNTASKTASKSORT - If set, the default sort on the task grid of the project task tab is by task.

MSNTRANSDAYS - If set, show new transday field on Project Control. Trans days are calculated using drive time from project whse to main shipto using 10 hour drive days.

MSNUPLINKEDSO1 - If set, update linked SO load date with load date from associated project phase.

MSNUSERWHSE - If set, use users default whse as shipping whse for generated SO. CalcPlant Logic will set production plant based on Whse PP rules.


NEWMSNNUM - If set, then map project drop folders to Project Number instead of Project ID.

NEWTASKSEQ - Tasks are given a new SO sequence number (CID Counter) that is separate from the Sales Order counter. The counter is set up in the CID Maintenance screen, on the Counters tab.

OPENPOSHOWUSE - When set and report is run in detail mode, qtyissue field has qty of item used on linked svrord line.

PROJALLOCINV - Sets the "Allocate Inventory" option to be checked by default on the Project Control

PROJAUTOSONUM - Automatically numbers sales orders generated from the Project. Project ID is used as first SO. A dash with a number starting at 01 will accompany future sales orders (PROJID)



PROJECTRESOURCE - Turns on the following logic on the timesheet_daily page:

  • 1. Gray out the client field and set the cursor to start in the project field.
  • 2. Change the Project field to be a drop-down with Project and Phase listed. Limit the options to Projects that are linked to the Resource.
  • 3. Automatically set the Resource to the logged in user and do not allow the user to change this field.
  • 4. Automatically set the bill code according to the Project-Phase-Resource and do not allow the user to change this field.

PROJHELDFOR - Automatically generates a HeldFor record in the HOLDER rule for projects that are set to allocate inventory.



PROJOPPSP - projoppsp

PROJOPPWONLOSTTOP - projoppwonlosttop

PROJTASKCRANE - If enabled, fill out quest1,quest2 and quest3/Quest4 with questions/answers from AFI system. Shows the answers to the three questions related to the AFI Crane app.

PROJTOSHIPTO - The Project Name is used as the Ship To location name when generating a new Ship To from Project Control.

S2PBYPHASE - Changes S2P to make due dates from linked phases, also splits PWOs by phase and department.

SHOWASSETQTY - If set, show new AssetQty on RTASSET table, AssetQty on task grid on project screen, and Complete count field on Project Master Tab.


SOSETSP - Default User in Salesperson drop

TASKDUEAT5 - If set, duedate will be set to 5pm for route generated tasks.

USEMSNASSONO - Forces Sales Order number to match Project number in auto.