Accrued Revenue by Project Report
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Reports >> Project Management >> Accrued Revenue by Project
General Description
The Accrued Revenue by Project report is a custom report written for a customer in the Metal Building Industry.
The special/custom requirements are listed below:
- The Project must be incomplete or completed within the last 90 days.
- The Sales Total (sototal) field on the report is limited to Sales Order line items with an item code of BUILDING, CHANGEORDER, CL, or STHR on Sales Order Types B, R, or S.
- The Invoice Total (invtotal) field on the report is limited to Invoice line items with an item code of BUILDING, CHANGEORDER, CL, or STHR.
Report Filters
Production Start/End Date: This is the Project start date and Project end date.
Proj Type: The Project Type. Not selecting any types will ignore the filter.
Proj Status: The Project Status. Leave this field blank to view all project statuses in the given date range.
Standard Report Fields
Project#: The Project ID.
Customer: The default customer on the Project.
Proj Type: The Project Type.
Proj Status: The Project Status.
Accrual Amt: The amount accrued on the Project
Sales Amt: The extended sales total of Sales Order line items with an item code of BUILDING, CHANGEORDER, CL, or STHR on Sales Order Types B, R, or S.
KIPS: The total KIPS (1000 lbs) of Sales Order line items with an item code of BUILDING, CHANGEORDER, CL, or STHR on Sales Order Types B, R, or S.
Linked Inv#: An invoice number that is linked to the Project.
Date: The date of the invoice.
Net InvAmt: The extended sales total of Invoice line items with an item code of BUILDING, CHANGEORDER, CL, or STHR.
Additional Report Fields for Customization
frtamt : The extended sales total of Sales Order freight lines.
whsename : The name of the Project Warehouse.