QuickBuy Setup Guide

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This guide covers the setup required to take advantage of the QuickBuy application.

The QuickBuy application can generate purchase orders for recommended orders based on stock replenishment controls set at the individual item level. QuickBuy can also generate production work orders for items that can be made for stock.


Review Setup Options

The following setup options are enabled by default in the MASTER setup. Review these and adjust as needed:

  • QBADDTOPO - Prompts a display window of open PO records for the selected vendor, and allows user to select an existing PO or answer None to create a new PO
  • QBCHECKONLY - The QuickBuy report will only show items that have been checked in the grid
  • QBCUSTOMRRQ - Enables the Custom RRQ calculation screen in the Other Filters screen. Disabling this option makes the Custom button greyed out.
  • QBGRPPWO - Generate PWO records from QuickBuy will only prompt one due date, and will generate all PWOs according to the item's department code

These are not the only setup options available. There are several other options that are disabled by default, but may be applicable for your customer. Review and adjust other setup options that can affect how Mod Processor functions.

  • QBSOXPO - Attempts to link PO records created in QuickBuy back to original SO lines that created the demand. Linking logic starts with newest SO demand and works to oldest.
  • QBNOPWO - Requires a date range filter in the Other Filters screen. Calculates sales order production lines (inputs and outputs) that have not been submitted to plant into allocated totals

Item Master OHF Setups

QuickBuy purchasing (Buy) calculations rely on several fields from the Item Master OHF tab to calculate the RRQ (Recommended Reorder Quantity).

  • IncReOrd (Inlcude ReOrder) must be checked for every Warehouse/OHF combination in order for an item to pull into QuickBuy
  • MinQty is the lowest acceptable stocking level. QuickBuy will reorder an item when it falls below this number. If MinQty is left blank QuickBuy will suggest an order based solely on projected stock. An entry of zero means it is not being used.
  • MaxQty is the highest acceptable stocking level. QuickBuy should not suggest an order quantity that would exceed this value. An entry of zero means it is not being used.
  • Order Qty can be used in the RRQ calculation to set the desired order quantity for certain items.

The Item DET Import is used to import OHF screen details, including the Order/Min/Max and IncReOrd fields. The Item DET Import is an update type of import. If there is an existing OHF record for the item in the import file, any fields filled out in the import file will update the corresponding fields in the database.

The ITEMDET table holds the OHF details for each Item (ikey).

There is also a Min/Max Update screen that can be used to dynamically set the Min/Max values based on allocation history. However, in order to use this tool, items should have at least 90 days of realistic sales history in order to calculate reasonable numbers. In a new implementation, this is not possible.

Item Master C/V Part Setups

The Vendor information, including Supplier Part #, should be filled out for all items purchased through QuickBuy. Vendor associations can be added 'on the fly' directly from QuickBuy, but having them already set up in the C/V Part tab is highly preferable.

Multiple vendor sources can be created for each item code. If multiple sources exist, one of them (and only one) should be marked as the default source.

  • In the QuickBuy grid, right-click on the Vendor column for an item to get a pop-up to select a different vendor.

The Import Customer/Vendor Parts screen is used to quickly build the Vendor Part relationships for the Item Master C/V tab.

The VPART table holds the Item (VPARTNO) and Vendor (VENDID) relationships.

Review Item Attributes

The BUYINQB (Purchase in QuickBuy) Item Attribute allows an item marked to produce to show up in the Buy grid of QuickBuy. This Item attribute can be useful when customers have materials, such as coil, that are marked for production to allow slitting and other production operations, but they still want the coil items to show up for purchase in QuickBuy.

Review the Other Filters Screen

The 'Other Filters' button should be reviewed and the Owner and HeldFor options should be verified before the customer uses the screen for the first time.

Filter options can be be saved as filter sets and loaded by using the 'SaveOpts' and 'LoadOpts' buttons at the bottom of the screen.

The 'Other Filters' button should display with red text when filter overrides are in use.