System Navigation

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Revision as of 14:24, 26 December 2018 by Gandrews (talk | contribs) (HOW TO LOG IN TO ADJUTANT)

How to log into ADJUTANT

A user cannot be logged into the system from multiple locations at the same time When logging in, there is no "Close" (x) symbol/command. In order to close the box, press the esc key and press yes. The login is not case sensitive. The login will always appear in ALL CAPS, this is ok and will not affect login.

Default Menu

Your default menu (the first drop down bar in the toolbar) will always be set as default. This means that for every user, the menu and its paths will be set this way.

Icon Navigation

The toolbar may not be customized, but may be moved, dragged and dropped

Button 1 (building symbol) This is the Organizations shortcut, which is used to create and maintain customers, vendors, shipping locations, and any other organization.

Button 2 (people symbol) This is the Contact shortcut, which is used to create internal and external contacts in Adjutant.

Button 3 (binocular symbol) This is the Record Locator shortcut, which is used to search and analyze records in Adjutant.

Button 4 (calendar symbol) This is the Schedule shortcut, which is used to view and create scheduled tasks/events in Adjutant.

Button 5 (clock symbol) This is the Time Sheet shortcut, which is one of the ways users can enter time in Adjutant.

Button 6 (check symbol) This is the New Task shortcut, which is used to create a new Task/Service Order in Adjutant.

Button 7 (multi colored grid symbol) This is the Task Grid shortcut, which is another way a user can analyze and browse information on tasks within Adjutant.

Button 8 (magnifying check symbol) This is the Display Service Order/Task shortcut, which is another way to analyze and browse Service Orders in Adjutant.

Button 9 (car/house symbol) This is the Assets symbol. The Assets are used in Adjutant to track a company's various Assets.

Button 10 (cylinder/cone symbol) This is the Items symbol. Items are an integral part of Adjutant, and are used to track specific items used, purchased, owned, sold, etc. by the company.

Button 11 (Green arrow/paper symbol) This is the Purchase Orders shortcut, which is used to add/change/void Purchase Orders in Adjutant.

Button 13 (auction bid paddle symbol) This is the Vendor Bids shortcut, which is used to add/change/void a Vendor Inquiry in Adjutant. Vendor Bids are used to attain pricing on specific items from various vendors (these are based on specific item/order).

Button 16 (alert symbol) This is the Check Alerts shortcut. System-based alerts are used to notify users of specific system transactions.

Button 17 (red note symbol) This is the Notes shortcut. Notes are an important part aspect of Adjutant that are widely used in many different modules to represent reminders, alerts, descriptions etc.

Button 18 (star symbol) This is the Add Icon shortcut. This feature allows the user to add shortcuts to their desktop. This feature is often referred to as the Favorites or Bookmarks button.

Button 19 (camera symbol) This is the Take a Screenshot and Email shortcut. When executed, this button will take a screenshot of the user's current display and will allow the user to email the screenshot to recipients. This feature also allows the user to add a supplemental Subject and Message to the email.

Button 20 (circle symbol) This is the Pending Approvals shortcut, which notifies the user of any pending approvals existing in Adjutant.

Button 21 (Green down arrow symbol) This is the Open Drop Folder Inbox shortcut, which will open the Windows Explorer folder for the end user.

Button 22 (Red arrow symbol) This is the Exit shortcut, which is used to exit or log out of the current user's Adjutant desktop.


Searching and filtering data in Adjutant

Percent sign (%) - By keying a % before the search terms, a user can filter the search results to only include results which contain the specific terms listed. For Example: If a user wanted to find all organizations with county in their name, the user would search %county.

Question mark (?) - When a user searches with the ? key, ALL RESULTS for that particular entity will be generated.

Comma (,) - A comma acts as an “and” when searching. For example: If a user wanted to find two Purchase Orders, the user would type each Order number, separated by a comma.

DROP DOWN MENU ITEMS The Four drop-down menus to the right of the shortcut buttons are used for maneuvering/searching the Adjutant desktop. Menu 1 and 2: These options will be defaulted and will not change. Menu 3 and 4: These menus can be used to search Adjutant. The first drop-down (Menu 3) contains various ways a user can search Adjutant by (Asset Name, Contact, Customer, Item Code, Item Description, Notes, Project ID, Project Name, Screen Name, Ship to, Vendor, Asset Tag ID). The last drop-down (Menu 4) is used to type in the specific topic/word the user wants to search by.

Creating & Using Shortcuts

How to add a shortcut - Every Adjutant user has their own personal desktop. Each user can add buttons/shortcuts for any screen they prefer in Adjutant by using the Add Shortcut (star symbol) button from the toolbar. When the Add Shortcut button is pressed, this will prompt a Create Desktop Shortcut option for the current screen. From this screen, the user can create a unique name for the shortcut, add an icon/symbol to the shortcut, and add this shortcut to their (as well as other user's) screen.

How to move a shortcut Once a Desktop Shortcut has been created, the user can move the screen by clicking slightly outside the shortcut symbol, and dragging the icon to its preferred spot on the user desktop. Deleting a shortcut To delete an icon, simply right click slightly outside the shortcut symbol, and select “Yes”.

BREADCRUMBS FEATURE Breadcrumbs serve as a history function in Adjutant. On the user's desktop, there will be a small gray bar with boxes containing various titles and numbers. These boxes represent the last screens/modules the user has viewed. Please note: Not every screen will show up in the user Breadcrumbs (only certain screens/modules are tracked by breadcrumbs). For a more thorough history user may reference the Edit Log which will be discussed later.

F12 - Help Button

Accesses Screen Information & Help Documentation

From any screen, a user can access the Adjutant help box by pressing F12. This will prompt a box containing two help options for the particular screen. Info: This button will open the Screen Setup Options for the current screen. Info is used by system administrators Wiki: This button will take you to the Wiki page associated with the current screen/function. The Wiki pages show walk-throughs of how to use each screen.

Screen Icon Menu

Add/New - (blank order form, gold paperweight) This button allows a user to add an entry into the current screen. For Example: If a user is on the Organizations screen, the Add button allows the user to begin the process of adding a new Organization/Business Partner.

Edit - (order form with pencil) This button allows a user to modify/add information to an existing entry on a screen. In most cases, the user will not be able to access any boxes or fields until the Edit button is clicked.

Delete; - (red X)This button allows a user to delete an entity on a screen

Save - (floppy disk) This button allows a user to save any changes made to a screen. In most cases, the user must save changes made to a screen before exit is allowed.

Cancel - This button allows a user to cancel any changes made to the current screen.

Search - (blue open folder) This button clears the screen for a new record search.

Print - This button will prompt a screen which allows the user to preview, print, email, fax, or save the entity (most commonly used for invoices and work/sales orders).

Note - This is where a user can modify/view/add notes specific to the transaction. Notes may be internal or external.

Document Vault - This button allows a user to modify/view/add any documents associated with a particular screen/entity.

Air Hammer - This button a user to access all system documents tied to the organization, contact, item, or asset.