GL Balance Import Guide
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General Import Template File Notes
- Template files are typically generated from their respective Import screen using an 'Export Template' button.
- Using the 'Export Template' button from an updated system will help ensure that you are using the most up-to-date import file, and will help avoid errors.
- Templates generally (but not in all cases) contain 3 rows of header information.
- The first row is generally labelled with f1 through f## and is used to give a consistent column id to each data column. Do not remove this row unless instructed.
- The second row is labelled with the column data/field name. The values in this row are used for the file mapping screen. Editing these values is generally not needed and may make the field mapping process difficult.
- The third row (if present) is labelled either with the same values from row 2, or with more detailed field descriptions. The third row is available to create a customer-friendly name for the associated data column.
- The third row should be removed from the source file prior to importing. It will cause errors since it will be treated as the first import record on the file.
- Import files MUST always be saved as 'Microsoft Excel 5.0/95 Workbook (*.xls)' format until further notice. The import screens will generate errors if the file type is not correct.
- It is a good idea to perform a Mapping Table Import using a current source list before beginning on any imports. Without a current mapping table, the quality of imports can be compromised. The Mapping Table Import only needs to be run once on a newly set up Adjutant system. It does not need to be run before each import.
- Export a current list from the Mapping Table Import screen from an updated system (or contact your Implementation Consultant for an updated file).
- Perform a Mapping Table Import on the target system with the XLS file from the step above.
GL Balance Import Notes
The GL Balance Import process uses the Import Batch tab of the GL Journal Entry Screen, rather than a stand-alone import screen.
Timing and Preparation
The GL Balance Import can be requested at any time after the GL chart of accounts has been established.
Importing GL balances will set the opening balance for the following months on all imported accounts. Be aware that the beginning and ending balances for all following months will be affected once the imported balances are posted.
General Notes
The GL Balance Import can be used to import ending balances for the month prior to go-live, or to import historical balances for multiple months prior to go-live.
Importing a GL Balances file creates an unposted batch. The imported details are not posted to the GL until the batch has been manually posted. This provides an opportunity to review the GL Distribution report prior to posting. It also provides an opportunity to delete the imported batch if it contains issues or errors.
GL Balance Import File Data Scrubbing
Post Period - The posting period will usually have to be manually completed/adjusted to match Adjutant fiscal period formatting. For all detail lines, set the 'postper' column to a valid fiscal period in the format YYYYMMM with leading zeroes in front on the month.
Reference Number - The import uses the 'refernce' value from the first line for the imported batch. It is best practices to use a reference number that identifies the batch as a beginning balance import, such as JUNEBAL or similar.
GL Account - Review and update the file with any GL account number changes that may have happened during the implementation. Verify that each GL account matches the current GL Mask before importing. Invalid GL accounts will cause a validation error during import.
Debit/Credit Amounts - If the source data has separate values per GL account for debit amounts and credit amounts, create separate lines on the import file for the debit value and the credit value. If a single import line has both a debit value and a credit value, the import process will import the difference between the two amounts as the posting amount. If the customer wishes to see both the total debit amount and the total credit amount posted for a month, these amounts must be imported on separate lines.
Balanced File - The import file must be in balance, or it will fail validation. Perform a SUM calculation in Excel for the debit column and credit column and ensure that they are equal before importing. You may have to adjust the Excel column properties to show decimals correctly. Even a penny will cause the file to be out of balance.
Gl Balance Import Screen (GLJEBATCH)
Menu Location: Transaction>>General Ledger>>GL Journal Entry>>Import Batch (tab)
File Name/Browse: Use the Browse button to locate and select the completed GL Balance import template file (in XLS format)
Export Template: Generates a blank GL Balance (GLBATCH) Import template file
Map Fields: Fields must be mapped prior to importing. If no changes have been made to the column headings, the mapping screen should show all green, and you can click OK to continue. If any of the Input Field Name columns on the left are red, single-click on the line on the left column, and then double-click the desired mapped field in the right column to complete the mapping. Repeat for any red lines on the left that should be mapped. If there are additional columns in the source file that should NOT be mapped, they can be left unmapped (displayed in red). Mandatory fields will require that they be mapped before clicking OK.
GL Balance Import File Definitions
Required fields are indicated with *
*f1 - Postper - Fiscal Calendar posting period (YYYYMMM)
f2 - Reference - Reference number for the imported batch. The reference number on the first imported line is used for the entire batch. Copy the reference number to all lines to ensure that the reference number is imported.
f3 - Reverse - Enter Y to create a reversal batch
f4 - ReversePer - Reversal fiscal calendar period. Used with the 'Reverse' column to create a reversal posting and set the desired reporting period.
*f5 - GLAcct - GL account number
*f6 - Debit - Debit posting amount
*f7 - Credit - Credit posting amount. Credit sign is assumed, do not use a negative sign on the import file.
f8 - StatAmt - Statistical amount value. Updates the PTD and YTD statistical amounts for the imported account. Used for counting units, transactions, or other non-dollar values on custom financial reporting.
f9 - ProjID - Project ID from the MSN data table. Used to link posting details to a Project for custom cost reporting.
f10 - ProjNum - Project number. Used to link posting details to a Project for custom cost reporting.
f11 - PhaseName - Project Phase name. Used to specify the project phase when linking posting details to a Project for custom cost reporting.
f12 - Notes - Batch header note. The note on the first imported line is used for the entire batch. Copy the note to all lines to ensure that the note is imported.
*f13 - PDate - Batch posting date. The posting date on the first imported line is used for the entire batch. Copy the posting date to all lines to ensure that the posting date is set as expected.
f14 - LineNote - Line note for each line of posting detail. This note can be displayed on GL Distribution Reports.
f15 - AddToBankRec - Enter Y to add the imported line of posting detail to Bank Reconciliation. This is typically not used for balance imports.
GL Balance Import Reconciliation
Reconciling imported data should begin with spot-checking several records field-by-field for complete data import. Pick records from the source file that have the most data columns filled in. Verify that all source file data fields imported correctly and display as expected.
Verify that notes linked to customers appear in the Notes screen for the associated customer.
Verify that notes linked to Note Owners appear in their Super Notes screen.
Verify that notes linked to Projects appear in the associated project notes screen.
GL Balance Import Additional Steps
There are no additional steps for the Notes Import.
GL Balance Import Database Tables
Importing note records can affect the following databases:
RTNOTES - Each imported note is assigned a unique KEYNO value. Links to associated records will display in the RTNOTES datatable by PARENTID and by using the PTABLE fields.