Generate AP EFT File

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Revision as of 14:01, 18 July 2022 by Vtran (talk | contribs)

General Description

Default Menu Location: Transaction >> Accounts Payable >> Generate AP EFT File


Generate AP EFT Screen.png

Function Generate AP EFT screen is used to create an AP report with a selected Checking Account, a specific EFT Transaction Date, a Check Number, along with the Due Date and the Discount Date.

Report Filters

Checking Account: Checking Account number used in the EFT file

EFT Transaction Date: The date EFT transaction was made

First Check Number: Check number used in the transaction

Vendno: Vendor number used in the transaction

Vendor: Vendor name used in the transaction

Due Date: Due Date for the transaction

Discount Date: Discount Date for the transaction