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==Customer/Vendor Parts Import Notes==
==Customer/Vendor Parts Import Notes==
The Coil Receipt Defaults screen sets the default values that prompt on coil tags as coils are received from purchase orders. The details in the attribute jump screen are defaults only, and can be overridden during the receiving process.  
The Customer/Vendor Parts Import is used to set the alternate vendor or customer part number details for Adjutant item codes. The Customer/Vendor Parts Import is most commonly used to set the vendor associations for items ordered through the QuickBuy application, and to set the default order source for items.  
===Timing and Preparation===
===Timing and Preparation===
The Customer/Vendor Parts Import can be run immediately after the Item Master Import to create and fill out the Coil Receipts Default attribute. The Coil Receipt Defaults attribute is also known as the COIL LOT or COILJUMP attribute.
The Customer/Vendor Parts Import can be run any time after the Item Master import.
The Coil Receipt Defaults attribute must be added for any coil item codes that will import coil lot#s and quantities with the Coil Import. The attribute can be empty, but it has to exist.
===General Notes===
Most of the order calculation criteria has been moved to the item OHF tab, which offers more control over the order calculations used for QuickBuy procurement. The [Item DET Import Guide|Item DET Import file] shoudl be used to update order calculation details for the QuickBuy application.
===General Notes===
The import can be used to update existing customer or vendor alternate part numbers when an exact match is found for the Item/VendNo combination. However, if a new customer/vendor part is imported and any of the other details in the import file differ, the import process will create a new record rather than update the existing record. If you are attempting to update/replace the alternate part numbers, do not fill in any of the other non-required fields on the import file.
The Coil Receipt Default Import will add the attribute if it doesn't already exist. If the attribute already exists, it will update the details in the COILJUMP screen.
==Customer/Vendor Parts File Data Scrubbing==
Every customer's data will have different issues that need addressing.  Some of the issues will not make themselves visible until after the data has been imported and is in use during parallel testing.  This is why it is critically important to perform an early import, and keep accurate notes on issues that need to be addressed on a supplemental import, or for a complete re-import.
This file is generally built from various sources of customer supplied data, so there is rarely a need for scrubbing customer data, except when item codes or vendor numbers are changed from the customer's legacy system.
==Customer/Vendor Parts File Data Scrubbing==
Every customer's data will have different issues that need addressing.  Some of the issues will not make themselves visible until after the data has been imported and is in use during parallel testing.  This is why it is critically important to perform an early import, and keep accurate notes on issues that need to be addressed on a supplemental import, or for a complete re-import. Some common things that need attention during Item Master data scrubbing include:
* '''Source Data''' - The customer may not have a file format that includes much of this data.  It is common to need to create most of this data 'from scratch' and then have the customer fill in the remaining default data that they want. An easy way to get the source data for customers is to export a queried list from SQL (like the one below) that has the item, stock unit, and unit weight data. Customers can fill out the remaining details.
==Customer/Vendor Parts Import Screen (IMPORTVPART)==
* select item, descrip, unit_stk, unitw from itemmaster where item like . . . . (change the query to list coil items)
Menu Location: Transaction>>Importers/Exporters>>Item Control>>Vendor Part Import
* '''LBSFT''' - The SQL query above can help get the data needed to fill out the LBS/FT values if the unit weight data is complete on all of the coil items.  If the LBSFT column is left empty, it will import a blank value.  
* '''Processor''' - Review the COILPROCESSLIST CID Setup Option setting. With this turned on, the imported Processor Name value must EXACTLY match the company name of an organization set up with the PROCESSOR Organization attribute. If this option is off, any valid text wil import as the coil processor.
'''File Name(Header)/Browse:''' Use the Browse button to locate and select the completed Customer/Vendor Parts import template file (in XLS format).
'''Export Template:''' Generates a blank Customer/Vendor Parts template file
==Customer/Vendor Parts Import Screen (IMPORTCOILJUMP)==
'''Map Fields:''' Fields must be mapped prior to importing. If no changes have been made to the column headings, the mapping screen should show all green, and you can click OK to continue. If any of the Input Field Name columns on the left are red, single-click on the line on the left column, and then double-click the desired mapped field in the right column to complete the mapping.  Repeat for any red lines on the left that should be mapped.  If there are additional columns in the source file that should NOT be mapped, they can be left unmapped (displayed in red). Mandatory fields will require that they be mapped before clicking OK.
Menu Location: Transaction>>Importers/Exporters>>Item Control>>Coil Receipt Defaults Import
'''Validate to XLS File:''' Generates a TXT file of errors that will prevent the import from completing.
'''File Name(Header)/Browse:''' Use the Browse button to locate and select the completed Coil Receipt Defaults template file (in XLS format).
==Customer/Vendor Parts File Definitions==
'''Export Template:''' Generates a blank Coil Receipt Defaults template file
Required fields are indicated with an *
'''Map Fields:''' Fields must be mapped prior to importing. If no changes have been made to the column headings, the mapping screen should show all green, and you can click OK to continue. If any of the Input Field Name columns on the left are red, single-click on the line on the left column, and then double-click the desired mapped field in the right column to complete the mapping. Repeat for any red lines on the left that should be mapped. If there are additional columns in the source file that should NOT be mapped, they can be left unmapped (displayed in red). Mandatory fields will require that they be mapped before clicking OK.
'''*f1 - Item''' -  Item Master item code for the associated vendor or customer part record. The item code must exist in Adjutant, or it will fail validation.
'''Validate to XLS File:''' Generates a TXT file of errors that will prevent the import from completing.
'''*f2 - VPartNo''' -  Vendor or Customer alternate part number
'''*f3 - VendNo''' -  Vendor number or Customer number for the associated item
'''f4 - LeadTime''' -  Vendor order lead time in days. Updates the CV Part tab Lead Time field that displays on the Vendor Part report. Use the [Item DET Import Guide|Item DET Import file] to update order details for the QuickBuy application.
'''f5 - Rating''' -  Vendor item rating. Allows a single character, either A-Z or 1-9.
==Customer/Vendor Parts File Definitions==
'''f6 - OrderInc''' -  Discontinued. Vendor order increment in purchase units. Use the [Item DET Import Guide|Item DET Import file] to update order details for the QuickBuy application.
Required fields are indicated with an *
'''f7 - LastCost''' -  Last received cost in dollars per purchase unit for the associated vendor item.
'''*f1 - Item''' -  Item Master item code for the associated coil receipt defaults data. The item code must exist in Adjutant, or it will fail validation.
'''f8 - LastRec''' -  Last received date for the associated vendor item last cost record.
'''f2 - Grade''' -  Default coil quality/grade code (10 alphanumeric character max)
'''f9 - Discount''' -  Discount percentage applied to this vendor item.
'''f3 - Condition''' -  Default coil condition code/description (10 alphanumeric character max)
'''f10 - Notes''' -  Notes associated with this vendor item. Notes can be printed on the Vendor Part report.
'''f4 - Base Metal''' -  Default coil base metal code/decsription (10 alphanumeric character max)
'''f11 - MFGPartNo''' -  Original manufacturer part number for the associated vendor item.
'''f5 - Backer''' - Default coil backer code/description (if any) (10 alphanumeric character max)
'''f12 - MFGName''' - Discontinued.
'''f6 - Thickness''' -  Default coil material thickness, in inches
'''f13 - NType''' -  Enter 'V' to create/update a vendor item record. Enter 'C' to create/update a customer item record.
'''f7 - Coat''' -  Default coil coating code/description (10 alphanumeric character max)
'''f14 - QCost''' -  Last quoted cost value in dollars per purchase unit for the associated vendor item.
'''f8 - Mill''' -  Default mill name (60 characters)
'''f15 - QDate''' -  Last quoted cost date for the associated vendor item last quoted record.
'''f9 - Processor''' -  Default outside coil processor company name (60 characters). Processor name must EXACTLY match the Adjutant Organization name is COILPROCESSLIST is turned on.  
'''f16 - QExpDate''' -  Last quoted cost expiration date for the associated vendor item last quoted record. If left blank, the system will use '01/01/00'.
'''f10 - Paint Code''' -  Default paint Code value (10 alphanumeric character max)
'''f17 - PLeadTime''' -  Discontinued
'''f11 - HeatNo''' -  Default heat number, can be used to default a prefix or a format (20 alphanumeric character max, some special characters allowed)
'''f18 - Def''' -  Enter 'Y' to flag the 'Default Source' field for the associated vendor record
'''f12 - NumLabels''' - Default number of labels to print when receiving coil
'''f19 - FabTime''' - Vendor item fabrication time in days.
'''f13 - CWidth''' -  Default coil width (in inches). The width can be used as a filter in Coil Finder, so use the simplest expression of width possible. (i.e. use 43 instead of 42.9875)
'''f20 - QCost2''' -  Alternate last quoted cost value in dollars per purchase unit for the associated vendor item.
'''f14 - LbsFT''' -  Number of pounds for every 1 linear foot of coil
'''f21 - LastCost2''' -  Alternate last received cost in dollars per purchase unit for the associated vendor item.
'''f15 - DefUnit''' -  Default unit of measure, should generally match the stocking unit from the item
'''f22 - LoctID''' -  Warehouse LoctID used to set the receiving warehouse for the associated vendor item.
'''f16 - MasterCoil''' -  Enter 'Y' to define the associated coil item as a Master coil
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Reconciling imported data should begin with spot-checking several records field-by-field for complete data import.  Pick records from the source file that have the most data columns filled in.  Verify that all source file data fields imported correctly and display as expected.
Reconciling imported data should begin with spot-checking several records field-by-field for complete data import.  Pick records from the source file that have the most data columns filled in.  Verify that all source file data fields imported correctly and display as expected.
Perform purchase order receipts for several different records and verify that receipt defaults and printing flags work as expected.
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==Customer/Vendor Parts Database Tables==
==Customer/Vendor Parts Database Tables==
'''PCXREF''' - Attributes added to item records will create cross-reference entries in the PCXREF table. The TYPE will generally be the attribute name or code. The PARENTID and CHILDID will generally match the IKEY value of the associated item.
'''VPART''' - Customer/Vendor parts data is store in the VPART table according to IKEY and VENDID combination. Customer part numbers and Customer numbers are stored in the VPARTNO and VENDID fields.  
'''COILJUMP''' - Attributes such as Catch Weight and Coil Receipt Defaults create their own data tables with details from the attribute jump screens. The associated FORM (jump screen) name from the ITEMATTRIB rule is generally the same name as the data table. These tables will usually link to the item using the IKEY value. Coil Receipt Default information is stored in the COILJUMP table linked to the IKEY of the associated item.
[[Category: Item Control]]
[[Category: Item Control]]
[[Category: Import Guides]]
[[Category: Import Guides]]

Revision as of 08:34, 7 December 2018

General Import Template File Notes

  • Template files are typically generated from their respective Import screen using an 'Export Template' button.
  • Using the 'Export Template' button from an updated system will help ensure that you are using the most up-to-date import file, and will help avoid errors.
  • Templates generally (but not in all cases) contain 3 rows of header information.
    • The first row is generally labelled with f1 through f## and is used to give a consistent column id to each data column. Do not remove this row unless instructed.
    • The second row is labelled with the column data/field name. The values in this row are used for the file mapping screen. Editing these values is generally not needed and may make the field mapping process difficult.
    • The third row (if present) is labelled either with the same values from row 2, or with more detailed field descriptions. The third row is available to create a customer-friendly name for the associated data column.
      • The third row should be removed from the source file prior to importing. It will cause errors since it will be treated as the first import record on the file.
  • Import files MUST always be saved as 'Microsoft Excel 5.0/95 Workbook (*.xls)' format until further notice. The import screens will generate errors if the file type is not correct.
  • It is a good idea to perform a Mapping Table Import using a current source list before beginning on any imports. Without a current mapping table, the quality of imports can be compromised. The Mapping Table Import only needs to be run once on a newly set up Adjutant system. It does not need to be run before each import.
    • Export a current list from the Mapping Table Import screen from an updated system (or contact your Implementation Consultant for an updated file).
    • Perform a Mapping Table Import on the target system with the XLS file from the step above.

Customer/Vendor Parts Import Notes

The Customer/Vendor Parts Import is used to set the alternate vendor or customer part number details for Adjutant item codes. The Customer/Vendor Parts Import is most commonly used to set the vendor associations for items ordered through the QuickBuy application, and to set the default order source for items.

Timing and Preparation

The Customer/Vendor Parts Import can be run any time after the Item Master import.

General Notes

Most of the order calculation criteria has been moved to the item OHF tab, which offers more control over the order calculations used for QuickBuy procurement. The [Item DET Import Guide|Item DET Import file] shoudl be used to update order calculation details for the QuickBuy application.

The import can be used to update existing customer or vendor alternate part numbers when an exact match is found for the Item/VendNo combination. However, if a new customer/vendor part is imported and any of the other details in the import file differ, the import process will create a new record rather than update the existing record. If you are attempting to update/replace the alternate part numbers, do not fill in any of the other non-required fields on the import file.

Customer/Vendor Parts File Data Scrubbing

Every customer's data will have different issues that need addressing. Some of the issues will not make themselves visible until after the data has been imported and is in use during parallel testing. This is why it is critically important to perform an early import, and keep accurate notes on issues that need to be addressed on a supplemental import, or for a complete re-import.

This file is generally built from various sources of customer supplied data, so there is rarely a need for scrubbing customer data, except when item codes or vendor numbers are changed from the customer's legacy system.

Customer/Vendor Parts Import Screen (IMPORTVPART)

Menu Location: Transaction>>Importers/Exporters>>Item Control>>Vendor Part Import


File Name(Header)/Browse: Use the Browse button to locate and select the completed Customer/Vendor Parts import template file (in XLS format).

Export Template: Generates a blank Customer/Vendor Parts template file

Map Fields: Fields must be mapped prior to importing. If no changes have been made to the column headings, the mapping screen should show all green, and you can click OK to continue. If any of the Input Field Name columns on the left are red, single-click on the line on the left column, and then double-click the desired mapped field in the right column to complete the mapping. Repeat for any red lines on the left that should be mapped. If there are additional columns in the source file that should NOT be mapped, they can be left unmapped (displayed in red). Mandatory fields will require that they be mapped before clicking OK.

Validate to XLS File: Generates a TXT file of errors that will prevent the import from completing.

Customer/Vendor Parts File Definitions

Required fields are indicated with an *

*f1 - Item - Item Master item code for the associated vendor or customer part record. The item code must exist in Adjutant, or it will fail validation.

*f2 - VPartNo - Vendor or Customer alternate part number

*f3 - VendNo - Vendor number or Customer number for the associated item

f4 - LeadTime - Vendor order lead time in days. Updates the CV Part tab Lead Time field that displays on the Vendor Part report. Use the [Item DET Import Guide|Item DET Import file] to update order details for the QuickBuy application.

f5 - Rating - Vendor item rating. Allows a single character, either A-Z or 1-9.

f6 - OrderInc - Discontinued. Vendor order increment in purchase units. Use the [Item DET Import Guide|Item DET Import file] to update order details for the QuickBuy application.

f7 - LastCost - Last received cost in dollars per purchase unit for the associated vendor item.

f8 - LastRec - Last received date for the associated vendor item last cost record.

f9 - Discount - Discount percentage applied to this vendor item.

f10 - Notes - Notes associated with this vendor item. Notes can be printed on the Vendor Part report.

f11 - MFGPartNo - Original manufacturer part number for the associated vendor item.

f12 - MFGName - Discontinued.

f13 - NType - Enter 'V' to create/update a vendor item record. Enter 'C' to create/update a customer item record.

f14 - QCost - Last quoted cost value in dollars per purchase unit for the associated vendor item.

f15 - QDate - Last quoted cost date for the associated vendor item last quoted record.

f16 - QExpDate - Last quoted cost expiration date for the associated vendor item last quoted record. If left blank, the system will use '01/01/00'.

f17 - PLeadTime - Discontinued

f18 - Def - Enter 'Y' to flag the 'Default Source' field for the associated vendor record

f19 - FabTime - Vendor item fabrication time in days.

f20 - QCost2 - Alternate last quoted cost value in dollars per purchase unit for the associated vendor item.

f21 - LastCost2 - Alternate last received cost in dollars per purchase unit for the associated vendor item.

f22 - LoctID - Warehouse LoctID used to set the receiving warehouse for the associated vendor item.

Customer/Vendor Parts Additional Steps

There are no additional steps needed after the import.

Customer/Vendor Parts Reconciliation

Reconciling imported data should begin with spot-checking several records field-by-field for complete data import. Pick records from the source file that have the most data columns filled in. Verify that all source file data fields imported correctly and display as expected.

Customer/Vendor Parts Database Tables

VPART - Customer/Vendor parts data is store in the VPART table according to IKEY and VENDID combination. Customer part numbers and Customer numbers are stored in the VPARTNO and VENDID fields.