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=CID Initial Setup=
=CID Initial Setup=
==Set the Adjutant Desktop Background Image==
*To set the background image for the CID, place a .BMP or .JPG file of the customer logo in the main Adjutant folder with the filename matching the CID name. For example, if the new CID is 'STEEL', the file should be named STEEL.BMP (or JPG). 
*Exit Adjutant and log back in to display the image.
==CID Maintenance – Master Tab==
==CID Maintenance – Master Tab==

Revision as of 14:48, 25 January 2018

General Information

This guide covers the initial setup and configuration of a new customer CID. Following this guide will ensure that the base system features are set up completely. There may be additional system-level setup and configuration activities for optional features and integrations that are required beyond this guide.

Hosted vs. Non-Hosted Installations

Hosted Installations

A hosted CID installation means that the database and folder structure exist on ABIS’s controlled Rackspace network environment. Development has all the administrative rights to manage files, databases, processes, user access, and more.

  • For hosted customers, Development will generally determine which server is used.
  • When creating the ‘Install Adjutant Desktop’ ticket to Development to create the CID and database structure, indicate the CID name (used for SQL and ODBC) and which MASTER CID should be used to create the installation.

Non-Hosted Installations

A non-hosted installation is one that exists on customer-controlled server resources. Non-hosted installations require more information gathering and generally require more communication to secure the necessary network rights and privileges to assist setting up the installation.

Coordinate closely with the customer and ABIS Development on who will be responsible for the initial installation.

  • Customers with a strong IT department may want to complete the process themselves.
  • Some customers want ABIS to complete the process and ‘hand over the keys’ once it is complete.

ABIS will need the following from the customer’s server (at a minimum)

  • IT-Level contact with adequate server administration rights
  • Server IP address and access credentials

The following resource documents, available on the FTP Implementation folder, should be shared with customers that are completing their own Adjutant installation

  • Adjutant Requirements (reference of minimum standards for server and SQL versions)
  • Adjutant Install Notes (high-level checklist of server and workstation setup steps)
  • Adjutant ODBC Datasource Setup (step-by-step checklist for setting up the SQL/ODBC connections)

Coordinate the Adjutant installation and remote access privileges with the customer and ABIS Development resources as needed. The process and flow of non-hosted installations varies greatly from one to the next. Once you have a reliable connection and Adjutant is running without database errors, you can proceed with setup.

Notes on CID Initial Setup (Copied from MASTER vs. other methods)

  • All new CIDs should be created by copying from a MASTER CID setup.
  • Refer to the MASTER CID Copy Guide page to complete the initial CID setup by copying and modifying the MASTER CID database elements.
    • There are some overlapping steps between the MASTER CID Copy guide and this guide. Setup steps that have additional or different details will reference the MASTER CID Copy guide with (See MASTER).
    • For installations that are not going to be copied from a MASTER CID, installation details such as setup option settings, rule maintenance records, and other setting will vary depending on how the installation was created. Ask another consultant or your supervisor if there are any setup issues that seem unusual.

Verify the Licensed User Counts

Review the License Status screen and confirm that the values in the License column match the number of licensed users on the contract.

If there are any discrepancies, notify your supervisor.

CID Initial Setup

Set the Adjutant Desktop Background Image

  • To set the background image for the CID, place a .BMP or .JPG file of the customer logo in the main Adjutant folder with the filename matching the CID name. For example, if the new CID is 'STEEL', the file should be named STEEL.BMP (or JPG).
  • Exit Adjutant and log back in to display the image.

CID Maintenance – Master Tab

Update the CID Company Name, Address, Phone, Email, and TaxID (if available) details. Update the ‘Master ENT’ value with the Organization ID that matches the CID name, or verify that the Organization record has the correct details and all of the following attributes. (See MASTER) o Bill To / Ship To / Sold To o Remit To / Sold From o Inventory Owner CID Maintenance – Accounts – GL Mask If the GL Mask field in the CID Maintenance – Accounts tab is open for editing, set the GL Mask value to match the customer’s GL account structure, using X and - characters.

Generally, the GL Mask in the ‘Accounts’ tab must be updated via SQL with the following query o Update CID set GLMASK = 'X-XXXX-XX' where CID = 'AAAA' (Set the GL Mask to the desired format using X and – characters. Replace ‘AAAA’ with actual CID)

Import the GL Chart of Accounts In order to proceed with the CID Setup, the GL chart of accounts (or at least a single GL account) must be set up. If the complete chart of accounts is not available at this point, you can add a suspense GL account manually in the ‘GL Accounts’ screen that will be used to fill in required GL setup fields. • Keep in mind that any setup fields pointed to the temporary suspense account will have to be reviewed and corrected once the complete chart of accounts has been set up. The GL Chart of Accounts import template can be found in the \Data Files\Accounting folder of the Adjutant directory (if copied from MASTER), or a copy can be found in the Implementation Files folder on the FTP. Import the customer’s complete chart of accounts using the ‘Chart of Accounts Import’ screen. Verify that the imported GL Accounts exist and are correct in the ‘GL Accounts’ screen.

Warehouse / Held For Records In order to proceed with the next steps, you must have added at least one GL account and a default Warehouse. Once you have a chart of accounts, or at least one active GL account, add the default Warehouse record.

The default Warehouse name should match the CID name. In most cases, the ‘Default Location’, ‘Active’, and ‘Production Plant’ checkboxes should be checked. The add process will create a new Organization with a ‘Warehouse Location’ attribute. You must complete the blank GL accounts in the ‘Account’ tab in order to save the record.

Update the ‘Item Held For Codes’ (HOLDER) Rule Maintenance record with the new customer name and vendor number.

Review/Update/Complete all CID Maintenance Screens CID Maintenance – Paths / Remote Transfer Tab This screen sets the destination path for several system level functions. Generally all values in this screen should have the same base folder structure tied to the Adjutant working folder. Confirm that each file path matches the customer’s file structure. If not, update as needed. Not all file paths are used. Generally, the first six fields are used. If these folders are not accessible, Adjutant will display a warning message at login.

CID Maintenance – Accounting Backend Tab This screen is used to integrate with third-party accounting and payroll systems, which is rare for new installations. Consult with development for the correct entries in this screen if you are setting up an interface. Otherwise, update the following fields as indicated: - Name should be set to ‘None’ - Backend Type should be set to ‘Foxpro/None’ - Posting Window should be set to an appropriate date range for the current year (and beyond if desired) o Note – these fields must be updated annually if they are set to a year at a time - Default Costing Method should be set to the customer’s desired method (SI-AVG is generally best practice) CID Maintenance – Map/Password Info Tab This screen controls the default password settings that are established for new user records. It also controls the internet mapping details for certain applications (not common). Review and update the Password Settings fields to match the customer’s requests.

CID Maintenance – Defaults Tab This screen controls default entries for various applications in Adjutant, in addition to setting the background color for the CID Desktop. The system default entries, or entries copied from MASTER CID, are generally acceptable to begin an installation, and can be adjusted later during individual application setup. AR Credit Limit should be set to ‘5000’ if there is no preference given by customer. Set the desired background color by editing the screen, and clicking the ‘?’ button next to ‘Screen Color’. - Choose from the color palette provided, or create a custom color. - You must log out and log back in to see the updated background color.

CID Maintenance – Counters Tab This screen controls how document numbers are generated for most documents and records in Adjutant. Prefix and Suffix entries can also be set up to differentiate documents. Some document types have setup options and/or rule maintenance controls that can further customize the numbering criteria. Set up the required counter details per customer’s request. The common types are detailed below.

BOL – Bill of Lading, CUSTNO – Organization ID (Customer Number), only used when the ENTCOUNTER option is set FCINV – Finance Charge Invoice, must access ‘Generate Finance Charges’ screen to create this record. INVNO – AR Invoice LOTNO – Serial/Lot Number, only used when POAUTOLOT option is set, otherwise, lot numbers are manually enetered MSN – Project Number, prefix can be set by project type in PROJTYPE rule PONO – Purchase Order Number RFQNO – Quote Number, prefix can be set by quote type in RFQTYPE rule SONO – Sales Order Number, prefix can be set by sales order type in SOTYPE rule TASK – Task/Service Order Number, used instead of the SONO counter when TASKNEWSEQ is set WONO – Production Work Order Number, only used for PWOs added without a SO (i.e. Make For Stock)

CID Maintenance – Accounts Complete the GL account entries in each field as per customer’s request. Clearing Work in Progress – WIP account for order/job cost, clears when invoiced, can be overridden by Warehouse entries, or Item-level entries Payroll – no longer used Equipment – Clearing account for equipment billing Inventory – Clearing account used in Inventory Adjustment transactions, can be overridden by Warehouse entries, or Item-level entries Purchase Orders – Clearing account between PO Receipt and AP Invoice entry, credited at PO Receipt and debited at AP Invoice entry, can be overridden by Warehouse entries, or Item-level entries Suspense – GL account used when the system can’t determine a valid GL account, forced balance Over/Under Billing – Clearing account for draw billing transactions in Project Control Retainage – Clearing account for retainage billing in Project Control Retained Earnings – Profit/Loss GL account used at EOY closing Exchange Gain/Loss - Sales Tax Clearing -

Accounts Payable Payables – Control account for accounts payable, can be overridden at the Sold From level Discount – Default account for calculated or approved AP Invoice discounts Adjustments – Default account for AP Invoice adjustments, can be overridden at Remit To level, or AP Invoice Approval level Checking – Default checking account for AP transactions Purchase Variance – Default balancing account between PO Receipt value and AP Invoice value PrePay Expense – Default account used when creating a PrePaid Check, Retainage AP – Used in AP Invoice transactions where retainage is calculated

Accounts Receivable Accounts Receivable – Default AR account, can be overridden by POS AR account, AR Account in SOTYPE2 rule, or at the Bill To level Sales Tax – Default sales tax liability account used at invoicing, can be overridden by STATES rule Cash Receipts – Default checking/cash account, also set in System Cash/Checking Accounts screen, can be overridden during Apply Cash Receipts Payment Discounts – Default account used for discounts applied against invoice, can be overridden at the Bill To level Payment Adjustments – Default account used for cash receipt adjustments, can be overridden during Apply Cash Receipts Retainage AR – Used in AR transactions where retainage is calculated POS AR – (optional) AR Account used for point-of-sale receipts Open Credit/AR – Default account used when creating an open credit in Apply Cash Receipts, can be overridden

Inventory Stock Inv – Default stock inventory control account, can be overridden at Warehouse, or item level Non-Stock Inv – Default non-stock inventory control account, can be overridden at Warehouse, or item level Return Loss – Inventory control account that is debited when stock items are returned, but not returned to stock Transfer Clearing – Clearing account for inventory transfers Modification Clearing – Clearing account for certain Modification Processor transactions Scrap Adjustment – Offset account for scrap adjustment transactions

CID Maintenance – Fiscal Calendar This screen holds the valid fiscal periods and all associated dates for the accounting system. Edit the screen to set the ‘Current Year’ and ‘Current Period’ values. These set the default posting period in a variety of screens. They are updated when ‘Close GL Period/Year’ is processed. Fill out the Period Names/Start/End Dates for the current year based on the customer’s fiscal calendar. If the customer operates on a calendar year fiscal calendar, use the ‘Fill out DefCalYear’ button during an edit function to fill out the default start and end dates for the displayed year. - Double-check the entry for February if you are adding a leap year

CID Maintenance – New User Defaults This screen sets the default values for several fields in the User in Adjutant attribute screen. Defaults set her can be overridden during user entry. Entries in this screen do not affect previously added user records. Complete the Whse, Menu, Lang and SMTP default fields, at a minimum.

CID Maintenance – DropFolder Structure Do not use this screen unless you have guidance from a Supervisor, or a Development resource.

CID Maintenance – CID Setup Options This screen allows users to set the desired system setup options that control the way applications, features, and fields behave in Adjutant. Edit the screen to select or unselect options as needed.

Import CID Items The CID Items file contains all of the system default item codes required by the different applications. If the CID Items are not set up, several basic functions in Accounts Receivable, AP, Tasks, and Data Imports will not work. A copy of the ‘cid_items_new.xls’ file can be found in the \Data Files\Items folder of the Adjutant directory (if copied from MASTER), or a copy can be found in the Implementation Files folder on the FTP. Edit the file and update the HeldFor, WHSE, and OwnerID values so they match your environment. Save the file as a Microsoft Excel 5.0/95 Workbook. Import the file as-is using the ‘Import Item Master’ screen. No special attributes are needed.

Review and Update Rule Maintenance Records

Air Hammer Default Days (AIRHAMMERDEF) This rule overrides the default number of days used for the Start/End range in the various Air Hammer screens. If no entries exist, each screen’s Air Hammer will default to 30 days.

Auto Batch Options (AUTOBATCH) - http://www.abiscorp.com/AdjWiki/RULE-AUTOBATCH.ashx This rule sets enables/disables processing and posting of GL Batches, as well as processing nightly invoices. It also controls options for routing the nightly batch summary report. The AUTOBATCH CID Setup Option must be enabled, and the AutoBatch Process must be scheduled on the Auto Process Schedule screen in order to automate batching.

Doc Vault Drop Folders (DROPFOLDERS) - http://www.abiscorp.com/AdjWiki/RULE-DROPFOLDERS.ashx This rule controls the directory structure for each application’s Document Vault data. It also sets the email tag for the Inbox Mail Reader. If the CID was copied from MASTER, and the MASTER CID Copy guide was followed, this step should be complete. (See MASTER)

Otherwise, export the latest DROPFOLDERS rule from a MASTER CID and import the rule into the new CID. The MASTER CID should always have a complete and accurate record of all Doc Vault Codes.

ETemplate Lower List Values (ETEMPEXTRA) This rule contains the custom-coded Email Template fields that do not fit in the existing Data Sources in the Email Templates screen.

Event List (EVENTLIST) - http://www.abiscorp.com/AdjWiki/RULE-EVENTLIST.ashx This rule contains custom event codes used for alerts and routes. The rule is manually maintained at each customer, and may be incomplete. Review the rule in MASTER, ask another consultant, or consult with Development if there are event codes that need to be added.

Note Description Types (NOTETYPE) This rule controls the entries in the Type drop-down in the Notes screen. These are user-defined and can be customized to display only the types that matter to the customer. An entry for AR Collection Notes with a code of ‘AR’ should be added to work with the AR Aging Collection Notes feature.

Note Priority (NOTEPRIORITY) This rule controls the entries in the Priority drop-down in the Notes screen. The priority can be used to categorize notes that require follow-up.

Note Status Codes (NOTESTATUS) This rule controls the entries in the Status drop-down in the Notes screen. An entry for an Open status should be added as the default status. An entry for a Closed status should be added with the system-defined Code of ‘CL’.

Quick Search Desktop Overrides (QUICKLIST) This rule allows users to customize the Desktop Quick Search drop-down details. Search items in the list can be hidden, re-sorted, or the descriptions can be customized.

Review the Desktop Menu Generator The ‘Default’ menu is appropriate for most customers, and should be available on every installation. Customize the menu as needed as per customer request. Use the ‘Copy From’ feature to make a backup of any menu you plan to change, or to create new menu name.

Update System to the Latest Beta Version Access the End User Update Tool screen, select the ‘Beta’ radio button, and click ‘Check For Update’

  • note* If you delay more than a few seconds on any step during this process, you may be disconnected from the FTP server, and will receive error messages. Generally, you can simply restart the process without any issues.

The system will connect to the update FTP server and return a message with the latest version, or that the running version is the most current. If the version needs to be updated, click ‘Download and Install Full Update’ Accept the EULA agreement In the next window, Adjutant Update Processor, click on ‘Install’ Once this step completes, answer ‘Yes’ to update the Help Database. Click on ‘Disconnect and Exit’ once the process completes.

Set up User Records - Under construction -