Organization Attributes - Sold From

Modified on Fri, 27 May 2016 15:34 by tpaeglis — Categorized as: Accounts Payable , Address Book, Attributes

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General Description

Default Menu Location Maintain >> Address Book >> Organization

Screen Name SOLDFROM

Function: Organization screen is also accessible from the Adjutant Toolbar.

Sold From is an attribute jump screen from the Organization Screen.



Misc Code: User-definable

Buyer: The person who normally works with this vendor/supplier. Only people with the BUYER attribute will be available for selection in the drop-down menu.

Def Receiving Location: Select the default warehouse you will receive items into when purchasing from this vendor.

Territory: The territory/region of the organization.

Ship Via: Select the default shipping method for this vendor.

Freight: Select the default freight payment type for this vendor

FOB:' Select the default free-on-board type for this vendor

Acct Vendor Code: Vendor ID Code for accounting A/P software. This is an alphanumeric code, six characters maximum.

Vendor Note: Free text field. This note will be displayed on the Stock Reorder Report

Comment Code: This note will be displayed on the Purchase Order

Default Acct: The default account in AP for this vendor

Control Acct: The default control account in AP for this vendor

Add 2 Acct: Click this button to add a new vendor's information into your Accounts Payable software

Any changes made to an organization with a Sold From attribute will be automatically updated in AP.