Item Swap/Merge

Modified on Fri, 09 Jun 2017 11:09 by Curtis Riddle — Categorized as: Inventory Control, Item Control

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General Information

Default Menu Location: Transaction >> Item Control >> Item Swap


Function:The Item Swap screen allows the user to merge two or more items into one "Parent" item.


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The merge adheres to the following rules:

- Parent item data always wins out. - If SOC information is different, and parent has no SOC info, the first child item will win out

- Add two new columns to the import, the first to enter a new item code, the second to enter the new item description

- Validate units. All units should match. Display line information for validation fails.

- OHF tab - parent wins all data

- Cost tiers are rolled up

- C/v Part tab - parent wins the default, other records are rolled up

- Netting inventory logic to ignore lots. Inventory is netted for other stock items

- Delete non existing P# in the cycle count pending table

- Document vaults for item master and the lots need to be merged

- Pricing needs to merge, not append or roll up