Depreciation Information

Modified on Mon, 20 Jul 2015 09:45 by tpaeglis — Categorized as: Asset Management, Attributes, Fixed Assets

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General Information

Default Menu Location: Maintain >> Asset Tracking >> Asset Information OR the Assets icon in the toolbar

The Depreciation Information screen is a jump screen (a screen launched from an attribute) launched from the Asset Information screen.

Screen Name: ASSETDEP

Function: Setup fixed asset depreciation information.

Click here for the Depreciation Information Screen


Method: The accounting method of depreciation to be used

Convention: The depreciation convention used to calculate the first month's or year's depreciation amount.

Life/Period: The number of years to depreciate the asset.

Please consult your CPA for the correct method, convention, and life for each of your depreciable assets.

Addl Dep%: Some tax laws may allow you to take an additional depreciation amount in the first year of asset ownership. If so, enter that percentage here

Asset Cost: The purchase cost of the asset

Salvage: The salvage value of the asset

Addl Dep: Any additional depreciation taken in the first year

Depr Basis: The current depreciation basis; current value minus salvage value (This field is automatically calculated by the system)

Previous: The previous year's total depreciation

Current: The current year's total depreciation

Posted Thru: The period/year the depreciation has been posted through in the GL

Dep Exp Acct: The depreciation expense account in the GL

Accm Dep Acct: The accumulated depreciation account in the GL