PWO Schedule by Profile Report

Modified on Fri, 22 May 2015 15:31 by Greg Andrews — Categorized as: Production, Reporting and Report Sets

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General Information

Default Menu Location Reports>> Production >> Production Schedule by Profile

Screen Name PWOSS

Function This report displays all items on Production Work Orders, organized by department (profile), and subgrouped by machine


Filters & Functions

Plant - This is where the items will be produced

Start Date - This is the filter of the production date ranges

Item - This will filter the results by specific item

Order Number - This is the filter the results by specific order number

Profile Filters - Profile, Material, Gauge, Width, Color Girth, and Machine are all different filters based on the item's profile or department attribute

Based on the filters, the report will show a breakdown of items first grouped by profile or department. The will also be grouped by Machine used. 
