Page History: Generate Batches
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Page Revision: Wed, 08 Oct 2008 11:55
The Batch Creator is used to update your accounting software.
Client field allows you to process batches by organization. The
Process Thru field allows you to process transactions through a specific date.
Select the processes you wish to run and click
Generate. The processes are described below.
Ask your Adjutant implementation specialist for a visual display of the Journal Entry Architecture.
Batch CreatorPurchase Order
Receipts: Debits the Item Control account and credits the PO Clearing account.
WO Work In Progress
Material/SubContract/Expenses: Debits WIP account and credits Item Control account.
Labor: Debits WIP account and credits Payroll Clearing account.
Equipment: Debits WIP account and credits Equipment Clearing account.
Accounts Payable (This is for use with Adjutant AP only)
Transfer to Accounting: Moves the GL entries generated while applying Cash Receipts and Credits to the GL.
Accounts Receivable (This is for use with Adjutant AR only)
Transfer to Accounting: Moves the GL entries generated while Invoicing PO Receipts, AP Invoice Entry and Printing Checks to the GL.
Transfer to Accounting: Debits Cost of Goods Sold account, Credits Revenue account, debits Accounts Receivable, and credits WIP account.
WO Work In Progress
Update Labor Cost: Updates hourly rates from payroll master and applies them to work orders.
Inventory Transfer/Adjustments
Transfer/Adjust Inventory: Debits/credits appropriate Item Control accounts according to transfers/adjustments.