Page History: Organization Attributes - Ship To
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Page Revision: Wed, 05 Oct 2011 12:05
General Description
Default Menu Location Maintain >> Address Book >> Organization
Screen Name SHIPTO
Function Organization screen is also accessible from the
Adjutant Toolbar.
Ship To is an attribute jump screen from the Organization Screen. See the
Add Ship To page for more information on adding a shipping location to an organization
Ship To Screen |
Misc Code: User-defined field
Ship Via: The default method used for shipping
- Shipping Methods are maintained in the Rule Maintenance screen by selecting Ship Via Codes from the drop-down menu.
Account Number: The account number associated with their shipping/freight company, if any.
FOB: Freight on Board agreement type
- FOB Types are maintained in the Rule Maintenance screen by selecting FOB Codes from the drop-down menu
Freight: Freight payment agreement type
- Freight Types are maintained in the Rule Maintenance screen by selecting Freight Codes from the drop-down menu.
One Way Drive Time: One-way drive time to this organization
One Way Drive Mileage: One-way drive mileage to this organization
Billed Drive Time: The amount of travel time that should be billed, if any
Latitude/Longitude: The exact latitude and longitude of this location
- Click the MAP button to see a map of the location based on the coordinates entered
Work Category: Default type of work performed at this location
- Work Categories are maintained in the Rule Maintenance screen by selecting Work Categories from the drop-down menu
Default Whse: Default warehouse used to ship goods to this location
Key Map #: Key Map # for this location
Key Number: The key to use for this location
Combination: The lock combination to use for this location
Cross Street: Cross street or nearest cross street to this location
Tax Table: The tax table used for this location
- Tax Tables are maintained in the Sales Tax Master
Tax Rate: Tax rate for this location
- This field will be automatically populated if a Tax Table is selected
County: The county this location resides in
Misc Field: User-defined field
Salesperson: Salesperson for this location
- Ship To salesperson will override the Sold To salesperson