Page History: Organization Attributes - Ship To
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Page Revision: Fri, 26 Aug 2011 09:40
General Description
Default Menu Location Maintain >> Address Book >> Organization
Screen Name SHIPTO
Ship To Screen |
Organization screen is also accessible from the
Adjutant Toolbar.
Ship To is an attribute jump screen from the Organization Screen.
Misc Code: User-defined field
Ship Via: The default method used for shipping
- Shipping Methods are maintained in the Rule Maintenance screen by selecting Ship Via Codes from the drop-down menu.
Account Number: The account number associated with their shipping/freight company, if any.
FOB: Freight on Board agreement type
- FOB Types are maintained in the Rule Maintenance screen by selecting FOB Codes from the drop-down menu
Freight: Freight payment agreement type
- Freight Types are maintained in the Rule Maintenance screen by selecting Freight Codes from the drop-down menu.
One Way Drive Time: One-way drive time to this organization
One Way Drive Mileage: One-way drive mileage to this organization
Billed Drive Time: The amount of travel time that should be billed, if any
Latitude/Longitude: The exact latitude and longitude of this location
- Click the MAP button to see a map of the location based on the coordinates entered
Work Category: Default type of work performed at this location
- Work Categories are maintained in the Rule Maintenance screen by selecting Work Categories from the drop-down menu
Default Whse: Default warehouse used to ship goods to this location
Key Map #: Key Map # for this location
Key Number: The key to use for this location
Combination: The lock combination to use for this location
Cross Street: Cross street or nearest cross street to this location
Tax Table: The tax table used for this location
- Tax Tables are maintained in the Sales Tax Master
Tax Rate: Tax rate for this location
- This field will be automatically populated if a Tax Table is selected
County: The county this location resides in
Misc Field: User-defined field
Salesperson: Salesperson for this location
- Ship To salesperson will override the Sold To salesperson