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Page History: Update Project Accruals

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Page Revision: Thu, 25 Jun 2009 11:36

Default Menu Location

Maintain >> Project Control >> Update Project Accruals

Click here for a screenshot

General Description

This screen is used to update project accruals.

Projects These text boxes are used to filter to a specific project listed in the grid.

Show Accr This button is a toggle between showing all records and showing all accruals.

Move Current to Prior This buttons moves the selected accrual record.

Last2cur This button is located within the grid. If selected it replaces accrual amount.

Click here for a screenshot

Split This button is located within the grid. If selected it splits the selected units into half and creates another record loading the second half of the units.

Update This button saves any changes made in this module to the table.

Standard Report Fields (Header)

Company Company

Standard Report Fields (Detail)


  • keyno


  • name


  • company


  • lastaccr

  • accramount


  • accrkips

  • lastkip

Gross Margin

  • GM

Standard Report Fields (Group Footer sorter)


  • lastaccr

  • accramount

  • accrkips

  • lastkip

Standard Report Fields (Page Footer)

  • dateteim()

  • "Page # " + alltrim(str(_pageno))

Additional Report Fields for Customization

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