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Page History: Modification Processing

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Page Revision: Fri, 31 Oct 2008 10:14

The Modification Processor is used to associate processing costs back to an item and to create new items.

In the example below, we are modifying the item COIL by painting and slitting it. The cost of the coil is $60 and the cost of the painting and slitting is $1560.

The outputs of the processing are three new coils of a different part number, COIL2, that have the total cost of $1620 split amongst them according to their new quantities.

The inventory transactions taking place are:

•Remove 15,000 FT of COIL from Lot # 1269.

•Add Lot # 45 for item COIL2 with a quantity of 4960 FT and a unit cost of $0.11 per FT.

•Add Lot # 46 for item COIL2 with a quantity of 4863 FT and a unit cost of $0.11 per FT.

•Add Lot # 47 for item COIL2 with a quantity of 5002 FT and a unit cost of $0.11 per FT.

Modification Processor

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