Page History: Ship Sales Order
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Page Revision: Sun, 02 Aug 2009 13:40
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Transaction ==> Order Entry ==> Ship Sales OrderGeneral Information
Ship Sales Order screen is used to ship and invoice line items on open sales orders.
Enter the sales order number in the
Sales Order # field and enter the
Ship Date.
Select the lines that are being shipped. Click the
A button to automatically select all lines.
Enter the quantity of items to be shipped in the Qty to Ship column. The order quantity is defaulted into this cell.
If you are shipping one line item out of two or more lots, click the Add Lot button and enter the additional lot numbers accordingly.
CC to process a credit card transaction through integrated credit card processing software.
Ship to ship the items and allow for invoicing.
The color coding is explained at the bottom of the screen.
After shipping the sales order, open the Batch Creator to create the pre-transfer and final invoices.
Ship Sales Order