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Page History: Customer Cash Receipts - Annually

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Page Revision: Mon, 01 Aug 2011 08:41

General Description

Default Menu Locator Reports >> Accounts Receivable >> Cash Receipts - Annually


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Function Customer Cash Receipts- Annually generates a list of annual report for every customer.

Report Filter

Year: Choose the correct year you want the report to generate.

Order Type: Choose a report type from the menu -- Bid Order, Change Order, One Time Sales, Recurring Sales, Software License, Work Order, ALL.

Customer ID: Enter the specific Customer ID.

Priority: Choose an appropriate priority status from the menu.

Standard Report Fields (Header)

Year: Selected year for the report

•'YEAR - ' + gd_passdate




Standard Report Fields (Line Items)

Cust ID: The Customer identification number.


Customer Name: The name of the Company in most cases.


YTD CashRec: Year To Date cash receipts.


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