Page History: Tap Setup
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Page Revision: Fri, 02 Nov 2012 10:14
General Description
Default Menu Location: Transaction >> Tapping >> Tap Setup
Screen Name: TAPENTRY
Function: The Tap Setup Screen is used to create tap work orders, track payments, and track legal location
To set up a new tap:
STEP 1: Enter the District's name in the
District field.
STEP 2: Select the address in the grid. Click
Edit .
STEP 3: Select the
Tap Size from the drop-down menu. Enter the
Fee if the tap is a Commercial Tap per quote.
STEP 4: Enter the Builder's name in the
Builder field (located under the Address field in the middle-left portion of the screen).
STEP 5: Enter any other needed information, such as S-B-L-T, Address info, Key Map, Cross Street, etc
STEP 6: Click
Save and move to the
Payment tab.